[Solved] Converting this string to a date [closed]

You can do this with ParseExact by specifying the format like this: var datestring = “9/4/2015 12:09:06 PM”; var dt = DateTime.ParseExact(datestring, “M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt”, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Depending if its 9th april or 4th september you can use d/M or M/d. 3 solved Converting this string to a date [closed]

[Solved] How to get different between now and time in long in Android [closed]

You know that your long that represents the change in time is in milliseconds (assuming both the original message created timestamp and the current timestamp were both created via System.currentTimeMillis()). You can then use simple math to convert milliseconds to minutes. 1,000 milliseconds = 1 second, so 60,000 = 1 minute. Where exactly were you … Read more

[Solved] Display which day it is? sunday or monday “php coding”? [closed]

Easy one: $today = date(‘l’); // returns Sunday When you want it to do like your image, you should get your date from the dropdown. Then do the following: $date=”2017-7-27 10:51:10″; // example date var_dump(date(‘l’, strtotime($date))); // returns Sunday Goodluck! 2 solved Display which day it is? sunday or monday “php coding”? [closed]

[Solved] Repeating Multiple Rows Multiple Times in Excel VBA, with Calculations [closed]

In my testing this does exactly what you asked for. You will need to rename the Sheets depending on what your sheet names for the original data sheet name is and your output / result sheet name is. Option Explicit Sub splittinghours() Dim DataSheet As Worksheet Dim ResultSheet As Worksheet Set DataSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(“Sheet1”) Set … Read more

[Solved] How to convert unformatted time to a python time object

It seems parsedatetime module that should parse human-readable date/time text works in this case: #!/usr/bin/env python from datetime import datetime import parsedatetime as pdt # $ pip install parsedatetime cal = pdt.Calendar() print(datetime.now()) for time_str in [“8 seconds ago”, “5 minutes ago”, “11 hours ago”, “11:34 AM yesterday”]: dt, flags = cal.parseDT(time_str) assert flags print(dt) … Read more

[Solved] I want to covert julian date(YYJJJ format) to any normal date format(MMDDYY) using c#. Is there any defined function for that?

First of all, there is no YY, JJJ and DD formats as a custom date and time format. One solution might be to split your string Year and DayOfYear part and create a DateTime with JulianCalendar class. string s = “05365”; int year = Convert.ToInt32(s.Substring(0, 2)); // Get year part from your string int dayofyear … Read more

[Solved] String was not recognized as a valid DateTime from DateTimePicker

Assuming hdndate.Value is actually a string and its value is “28/04/2014”: Replace this: Convert.ToDateTime(hdndate.Value) With this: DateTime.ParseExact(hdndate.Value, “dd/MM/yyyy”, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); DateTime.ParseExact allows you to specify the exact format of your input string, so that it can correctly generate a DateTime from it. In this case, your format is dd/MM/yyyy. solved String was not recognized as a … Read more

[Solved] Get Date from DateTime without ToShortDateString

If you want some object, witch always return date in 2012-10-10 format from .ToString(), you can use this struct struct Date { private DateTime dateTime; public Date(DateTime dateTime) { this.dateTime = dateTime.Date; } public override string ToString() { return dateTime.ToString(“yyyy-MM-dd”); } } solved Get Date from DateTime without ToShortDateString

[Solved] Convert string Time format to Time format [closed]

You can try ParseExact method to convert a custom string to a DateTime, then use ToString method to convert it to your desired string format. var result = DateTime.ParseExact(“10:30AM”, “hh:mmtt”, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) .ToString(“hh:mm:ss tt”); //result : “10:30:00 AM” In the DateTime formatting you may remember these notes: hh: hour part mm: minute part ss: second part … Read more

[Solved] Fix incomplete character string for year “2016” from “0016” in R [closed]

Kindly go through following R console code snippet: > dates <- c(“10/23/16”, “10/24/16”) > dates [1] “10/23/16” “10/24/16” > Dates <- as.Date(dates, + format = “%m/%d/%y”) > Dates [1] “2016-10-23” “2016-10-24″ Hope it works for you! solved Fix incomplete character string for year “2016” from “0016” in R [closed]

[Solved] Calculate the hours minutes and days of difference between two date and hours

A simple example like this would do the job : $mydatetime = new DateTime(); $datefromdb = new DateTime(‘2018-03-05 10:10:00’); $interval = $mydatetime->diff($datefromdb); $date_count = $interval->format(‘%y years %m months %a days %h hours %i minutes %s seconds’); echo $date_count; This is your code it should work $fecha = $row[“fecha”]; $data= $row[“hora”]; $start = strtotime(“$fecha $data”); $currentDate … Read more