[Solved] PHP doesn’t get HTML Form values

You are missing ;’s at the end of your lines. <?php $conn = mysql_connect(localhost, root, usbw); mysql_select_db (‘veiling’); $bid = $_GET[‘bod’]; $name = $_GET[‘naam’]; $item = $_GET[‘item’]; $maxbid = mysql_query(“SELECT MAX(bod) FROM veiling WHERE item=1”); $maxbid = mysql_fetch_array($maxbid); if( $bid =< $maxbid[0] ) { die(); } else { mysql_query(“INSERT INTO veiling (bod, naam, item) VALUES … Read more

[Solved] Quantity tracking in the database

In your CheckQuantity() method, you are: Only querying items that have the same quantity of the first ProductInfo that you’re constructing. Displaying the quantity from that single ProductInfo instead of the value you are querying from the database. Instead, this should work better: public static void CheckQuantity(CustomToolTip _customToolTip, IWin32Window _window, int _x, int _y, int … Read more

[Solved] mysql , max ,groub by [closed]

suggest that if your above SQL statement can query the result. maybe you can just skip the “order by” and simply just select * from (/* your SQL statement without “order by”*/) a order by a.message_id desc sorry that as it is difficult to see your screen capture and help you to resolve the SQL … Read more

[Solved] SQL Server Converting Rows to Columns

You can get the output you desire with grouping and some CASE statements inside SUM aggregate functions: SELECT dbo.TableB.TrackingID, dbo.TableA.ParcelCode, dbo.TableC.CustID, SUM(CASE WHEN dbo.TableB.FinanceType=”Invoice” THEN dbo.TableA.TotalAmount ELSE 0 END) AS TotalAmount, SUM(CASE WHEN dbo.TableB.FinanceType=”Invoice” AND TransType=”Card” THEN dbo.TableA.TotalAmount ELSE 0 END) AS CardInvoice, SUM(CASE WHEN dbo.TableB.FinanceType=”Invoice” AND TransType=”Cash” THEN dbo.TableA.TotalAmount ELSE 0 END) AS CashInvoice, … Read more

[Solved] What are the approaches to the Big-Data problems? [closed]

I will approach your question like this: I assume you are firmly interested in big data database use already and have a real need for one, so instead of repeating textbooks upon textbooks of information about them, I will highlight some that meet your 5 requirements – mainly Cassandra and Hadoop. 1) The first requirement … Read more

[Solved] Button with a limit of one click per hour

You can store the number of clicks in a mySQL column and increment it every time a user clicks the button and then check if the click falls in the past 1 hour interval and if so, tell them they have to wait. Something like this: select count(*) as clicks_in_the_past_hour from table where click_time >= … Read more

[Solved] How to get the sum in a joined table when using group by – getting wrong results

I understand that you want, for each day: the sum of order_items.energy_used for all orders created that day the created_at and order_sum that correspond to the latest order created on that day Your sample data is not very representative of that – it has only one order per day. Also it is unclear why created_at … Read more

[Solved] Why is it saying no database selected?

Your final code should be identical to: <?php $con = mysqli_connect(“localhost”, “root”, “”, “radian”); if (!$con) { exit(“Couldn’t connect: ” . mysqli_connect_error()); } mysqli_set_charset($con, “utf8”); $insert_data = “UPDATE enquiries SET ResponseDate=”” . $current_date . “”, Response=”” . $txtResponse . “”,Enquiry_No = ‘” . $_SESSION[‘ses_staff’] . “‘ WHERE Enquiry_No = ‘” . $txtStudentId . “‘”; $execute … Read more

[Solved] Creating multiple Tables and inserting Data into them [closed]

Your issue “there is always only one table created”, will be due to the very common misconception that the onCreate method, in DatabaseHelper.java (generally termed the Database Helper) runs every time the App is run. Actually the onCreate method is only automatically invoked once for the lifetime of the database. If the data held in … Read more

[Solved] Codeigniter – Using codeigniter email library, how do i send the email to a database list?

There is no native mapping of db table to email, so you have to first select, then retrieve then send $query = $this->db->query(“SELECT emailAddress from table”); //select email addresses $sendTo=array(); foreach ($query->result() as $row) //loop to build array { $sendTo[]=$row->emailAddress; //add to array } $this->email->to($sendTo);//send email Of course I have had to guess you tables … Read more