[Solved] Can we protect against SQL-injection by writing Javascript code correctly? how? [closed]

Never try and prevent SQL injection solely by JavaScript. What happens if I turn JavaScript off? Your validation fails instantly. What happens if I modify your JS and remove the keywords you are preventing me from injecting? Always validate it against the server. solved Can we protect against SQL-injection by writing Javascript code correctly? how? … Read more

[Solved] SELECT from table with three foregin keys to one table [closed]

Okay, it’s Saturday night and I’m feeling mellow enough to tackle this without a data model. You have given us the names of the three lookup tables (subjects, opinions, users) but not the actual structures and columns. So I’m making some guesses. select subjects.name as subject_name , opinions.value , o_users.name as opinion_guy , p_users.name as … Read more

[Solved] How do I convert this Access Query to mySQL query

The query works in MySQL when the statement is as generated by Access iteself. No change required. Here is the answer below: FROM qryvw_employees INNER JOIN (tbl_clients INNER JOIN tbl_assignments ON tbl_clients.`PAN` = tbl_assignments.`PAN` INNER JOIN tbl_tasks ON tbl_assignments.`Assignment_ID` = tbl_tasks.`Assignment_ID` INNER JOIN qryvw_subtasks ON tbl_tasks.`TaskID` = qryvw_subtasks.`TaskID`) ON qryvw_employees.`ID` = tbl_tasks.`Assigned_To` solved How do … Read more

[Solved] Display the different salary figures earned by faculty members arranged in descending order [closed]

As I understand it you want to have a list of unique salary values in descending order. This is how you can achieve it: SELECT Salary FROM faculty group by Salary order by Salary desc Alternative: SELECT distinct(Salary) FROM faculty order by Salary desc This will give you all the salaries in descending order. If … Read more

[Solved] How would I go about Game Networking with C#? [closed]

If you have average skill using an SDK should be helpful for you. Start out with something like XNA Game Studio to see how those concepts are done. This document is the starting point for the SDK https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb200104.aspx and the “Network” concepts you are specially looking for are discussed here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb975947.aspx As for the database … Read more

[Solved] How to read and update SQLite database using ListView in Android?

Here Is Your Edited Working Code MainActivityChampagne.java package android.application.project.planes; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; public class MainActivityChampagne { public static final String KEY_NAME = “title”; public static final String KEY_NOTES = “lastcall”; private static final String DATABASE_NAME = “Champagnedb”; private static final String DATABASE_TABLE = “champagneTable”; private static … Read more

[Solved] Creating/Writing an XML file in PHP?

According to your code, you’re already building the XML content yourself. XML files are just regular text files, so in this case you don’t need any of the special XML functions that validate and render. Instead, you can simply save your text to the .xml file: file_put_contents(‘/tmp/test.xml’, $xmlBody); file_put_contents allows you to forego all the … Read more

[Solved] Android SQLite data display to ListView

The Cursor must include a column named “_id” or this class (CursorAdapter and descendants) will not work. COL_ID should be “_id” or you can try to use a workaround by making alias: String[] allColumns = new String[] { SqlDbHelper.COL_ID + ” AS ” + BaseColumns._ID, … See CursorAdapter 11 solved Android SQLite data display to … Read more