[Solved] Why isn’t length(self.next) a valid expression in python? [closed]

What is length? length does not exist, but Node.length does. The reason return(1+length(self.next)) doesn’t work is because you’re calling length(), not Node.length(). Instead, try this: return(1+LinkedList.length(self.next)) Or this (my preference): return(1+self.next.length()) solved Why isn’t length(self.next) a valid expression in python? [closed]

[Solved] Suggest data-structure for this use case [closed]

Since you want the thread to wait for an answer, I’d suggest creating a question object that has the question text, can store the answer, and has a CountDownLatch for tracking when the answer is available. public final class Question { private final String question; private String answer; private CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); public … Read more

[Solved] What are the differences between ArrayList and ArrayMap?

ArrayMap keeps its mappings in an array data structure — an integer array of hash codes for each item, and an Object array of the key -> value pairs. Where ArrayList is a List. Resizable-array implementation of the List interface. Implements all optional list operations, and permits all elements, including null. FYI ArrayMap is a … Read more

[Solved] Confusion regarding PATRICIA [closed]

I continued to search for a specific definition from past reputable sources to confirm what I had suspected, and I’m writing to provide my findings. Perhaps the most significant is the official paper defining PATRICIA, published by DR Morrison in October 1968s “Journal of the ACM”: PATRICIA evolved from “A Library Automaton” [3] and other … Read more

[Solved] Why isn’t std::set just called std::binary_tree? [closed]

Why isn’t std::set just called std::binary_tree? Because Tree doesn’t describe how the interface is used. Set does. std::set does not provide sufficient operations to be used as a general purpose search tree. It only provides an interface to a particular application of a search tree: The representation of a set. Technically the standard doesn’t specify … Read more

[Solved] How to create a new object from existing entries?

An approach should consider breaking the OP’s entire task into two separate ones. Within an intermediate step one firstly does reduce the list of material items into a map of (grouped) material items. The final step does a map–reduce on the values of the intermediate result, where the reduce task is responsible for summing up … Read more

[Solved] Data Structure of Class [closed]

The compiler assigns offsets to all members, and includes these in all load/store operations on members: struct foo { uint32_t bar; uint32_t baz; uint32_t get_baz() { return baz; } }; uint32_t get_baz_from_foo(foo *f) { return f->baz; } becomes (ARM assembler code used for simplicity): foo__get_baz: ; calling convention: this pointer in r3 ; load 32 … Read more

[Solved] Convert array of paths into a Tree in JavaScript [closed]

First, here’s the solution based on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/57344801/3807365. Explanation below. const paths = [“src”, “src/components”, “src/components/index.ts”, “src/utils”, “src/configuration/config.ts”, “another/file.ts”]; let agg = { temp: [] }; paths.forEach(path => { path.split(“https://stackoverflow.com/”).reduce((agg, part, level, parts) => { if (!agg[part]) { agg[part] = { temp: [] }; agg.temp.push({ id: parts.slice(0, level + 1).join(“https://stackoverflow.com/”), level: level + 1, … Read more

[Solved] Recursive and non-recursive traversal of three degree tree

You’re incorrectly printing the node’s value twice. You don’t need to check node->mid, as this is checked inside inorder(node->mid);. inorder(node) { if (node) { inorder(node->left); print(“%d “, node->value); inorder(node->mid); inorder(node->right); } } 0 solved Recursive and non-recursive traversal of three degree tree