[Solved] PHP comments count [closed]
echo ($counting == 1 ? $counting . ” comment” : $counting . ” comments”) 0 solved PHP comments count [closed]
echo ($counting == 1 ? $counting . ” comment” : $counting . ” comments”) 0 solved PHP comments count [closed]
Wouldn’t it be great if there were a function like array_count_values? </sarcasm> Some example code of usage: $arr = array(…); $valCounts = array_count_values( $arr ); echo $valCounts[‘hey’]; I highly recommend browsing php.net and, in-particular, learning the array functions. 0 solved PHP – how many times [duplicate]
Try this one: counter = 0 while Amzn > 1000: counter+=1 print(“Watch”) Amzn = Amzn – (Amzn*.0103) else: print(“buy”) print(counter) 1 solved How can I count the outputs of a while loop in python? [duplicate]
The included file is not behaving as you expect it to. To pull this off you will have to create a global out of the variable (but don’t do it!). You can print_r() the array in the controller, because you’re fetching it from the model. But after that you include the view. When you place … Read more
Code below should work. int total = 0; for(int i=0; i < str.length(); i++) { if(!Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i))) total++; } System.out.println(“total non-whitespace characters are ” + total); solved Counting the nonwhitespace in a String [closed]
Your resource is not a list but an object. Better implementation would be something like this. [HttpGet(“{id}”)] public IActionResult Get(string id) { using (var unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(_db)) { var r = unitOfWork.Resources.Get(id); if (r == null) { return NotFound(); } return Ok(ConvertResourceModel(r)); } } 0 solved Can’t use Count() in C#
This can be done with Linq and the GroupBy function pretty easily: var input = new string[] { “welcome guys”, “guys and”, “and ladies”, “ladies repeat”, “repeat welcome”, “welcome guys” }; var groups = input .GroupBy(x => x); foreach (var g in groups) { Console.WriteLine(“{0}, {1}”, g.Key, g.Count().ToString()); } welcome guys, 2 guys and, 1 … Read more
File input.txt ##### pears oranges ##### apples grapes ##### grapes oranges ##### apples pears oranges grapes File run.py lines = [l.strip() for l in open(‘input.txt’, ‘r’).readlines()] hash_count = 0 for line in lines: if line == ‘#####’: hash_count += 1 print(line) else: print(line + ‘_’ + str(hash_count)) Run it: $ python run.py Output: ##### pears_1 … Read more
First of all, your function print_people has a bug. The line for (size_t i = 0; people[i].name[0]; ++i) is wrong. It will read from the array out of bounds, because the loop condition people[i].name[0] is wrong. This loop condition would only be correct if the array were terminated by an element which has name[0] set … Read more
Use enumerate for count,item in enumerate(input_list,1): # your code print(count) 2 Or you can increment a counter while iterating : count = 0 for i in input_list: count += 1 # your code print(count) 2 solved Counting the number of lists that are printed [closed]
Either of these will work. The second is better, but the first will show you how you can go about this when grouping by isn’t so straight-forward (or achievable). SELECT ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN OS_NAME = ‘Linux’ THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) AS [Linux Servers], ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN OS_NAME = ‘Windows’ THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) … Read more
try this : protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string searchWord = txtWord.Text; ZaraEntities db = new ZaraEntities(); var results = db.Products.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(searchWord)); rptrSearch.DataSource = results.ToList(); rptrSearch.DataBind(); litResults.Text = “<p>” + “Search results for ” + “‘” + txtWord.Text + “‘” + ” (“+ results.ToList().Count + “) Results found.</p>”; } OR litResults.Text = … Read more
You have your counter incrementing in the wrong place. int count = 0; foreach (string[] element in logBook) { Console.WriteLine (“#{0}: {1}”, count, element[0]); count++; // Increment after you print } solved C# How to start list count on 0 [closed]
newlist = [] for sublist in yourlist: already_in_list = False for index, newsublist in enumerate(newlist): if sublist == newsublist[:-1]: newlist[index][2] += 1 already_in_list = True if not already_in_list: newlist.append(sublist+[1]) – >>>newlist [[‘personA’, ‘banana’, 1], [‘personB’, ‘banana’, 2], [‘personA’, ‘grape’, 1], [‘personA’, ‘lemon’, 2]] solved Python count list and types [closed]
result = input.map do |k, t| [k, DateTime.parse(t)] end.each_with_object(prev: nil, count: 0) do |(k, t), acc| case k # keep the time of the previous occurrence of “red” when “red” then acc[:prev] = t when “green” # seconds acc[:count] += 1 if 24.0 * 60 * 60 * (t – acc[:prev]) < 10 acc[:prev] = … Read more