[Solved] How to concatenate a string in python?

Just pass empty string to end parameter in print function after strippping off the newline character. print (line, end = “”) print by default print the content in a new line for each iteration but by passing empty string to the end parameter, this default behaviour won’t work. If you failed to remove the newline … Read more

[Solved] Get specific data from a string? C#

I solved it!! Thank your comments and suggestions..I’ll improve the way I question.. HAHAH I hope you guys and gals get the logic. Quite simple 🙂 string group = “|17|11|05|”; string[] words = group.Split(‘|’); foreach (string word in words) { if (word.ToString() != “”) { string cg = word; } } 1 solved Get specific … Read more

[Solved] How to invert a word? [closed]

You can use StringBuffer or StringBuilder for this task, StringBuilder would be my choice since its more efficient. its not thread safe so multiple threads can call its methods simultaneously. String reversedString = new StringBuilder(originalString).reverse().toString() If you prefer not to use API support you can do something like this static String reverse(String stringIn) { char[] … Read more

[Solved] I need an algorithm to concatenate 2 vectors and also update the vector in cases of common element in C++ (not specific to C++11) [closed]

The most simple approach would be to just check for every element in src vector, if an duplicate exists in dest vector or not. If it exists just append Duplicate to it, else you can just push back the element as a new element in dest vector. The follow code would do the job – … Read more

[Solved] Concatenating two string variables in dataframe in R

It would help if you provided more information. Here is an example: df <- data.frame(x=1:26, y=as.factor(LETTERS)) paste(df$x, df$y) [1] “1 A” “2 B” “3 C” “4 D” “5 E”… paste(df$x, df$y, sep=””) [1] “1A” “2B” “3C” “4D” “5E”… It doesn’t matter what class the elements are, the engine will convert them to character class. If … Read more

[Solved] conditionally concatenate text from multiple records in vba [duplicate]

Try the below code, it assumes you have headers and that unique ID is in column A and description in column B. Option Explicit Sub HTH() Dim vData As Variant Dim lLoop As Long Dim strID As String, strDesc As String ‘// Original data sheet, change codename to suit vData = Sheet1.UsedRange.Value With CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”) .CompareMode … Read more