[Solved] why the array is static [closed]

The function isn’t the pointer. The return value is int * since it returns an array of int. You need a pointer to access an array. If it’s not a pointer, then you are expecting a single int variable. If it’s not static, then the array will be deallocated and gone when the function reached … Read more

[Solved] TypeError: array[i] is undefined

You are not allowed to put a PHP array directly to JavaScript. Please try to json_encode it: onclick=’mostrarModal(“.$idboton.”,”.json_encode($arraynombres).”);’ Regarding your JavaScript I would suggest to directly use eventos instead of copying the elements to array: for(var i =0; i < eventos.length;i++) { acumuladordenombres = acumuladordenombres +’ ‘+ eventos[i][0]; } solved TypeError: array[i] is undefined

[Solved] need help for a function in php

The issue with your script is <?php> However, you can make it shorter by, using range() to create an array of all integers from 0 to 500, then array_sum() to calculate the sum, then subtract 42. echo array_sum( range(0,500) ) – 42; https://eval.in/518979 0 solved need help for a function in php

[Solved] array cross-over loop in javascript

This is a functional ES6 approach. let variants = [{ variantName: “Size”, variantItems: [ “XL”, “MD”, “SM” ] }, { variantName: “Color”, variantItems: [ “Red”, “Blue” ] }]; let crossJoined = new Array(variants.reduce((product, variant) => (product * variant.variantItems.length), 1)) .fill(0) .reduce(crossJoin => { crossJoin.data.push(crossJoin.currentIndexes.map((itemIndex, variantIndex) => `${variants[variantIndex].variantName}: ${variants[variantIndex].variantItems[itemIndex]}`).join(“, “)); let incrementableIndex = variants.length – crossJoin.currentIndexes … Read more

[Solved] java primitive type array object or not?

In Java you only have primitive or references to objects.* int[] arr = { 1, 2 }; int i = arr[0]; assert arr instanceof Object; // true arr is a reference to an array which has int as a element. how it was achieved? int[] has it’s own class int[].class and your arr is an … Read more

[Solved] Using std::sort to sort an array of C strings

std::sort: The comparison object expected by it has to return ​true if the first argument is less than (i.e. is ordered before) the second. strcmp, the function you provided has another return convention: Negative value if lhs is less than rhs. ​0​ if lhs is equal to rhs. Positive value if lhs is greater than … Read more

[Solved] Call an array from one method to another method [closed]

Here’s a text (comment) illustrated explanation (both the question and the answer): public Object[] methodA() { // We are method A // In which we create an array Object[] someArrayCreatedInMethodA = new Object[10]; // And we can returned someArrayCreatedInMethodA return someArrayCreatedInMethodA; } public void methodB() { // Here we are inside another method B // … Read more

[Solved] I want to extract strings from a line

Don’t use StringTokenizer: StringTokenizer is a legacy class that is retained for compatibility reasons although its use is discouraged in new code. It is recommended that anyone seeking this functionality use the split method of String or the java.util.regex package instead. You can use split() if you split on 2 or more spaces: split(” {2,}”) … Read more

[Solved] Min/Max Values of an Array

Methods: public static int getMax(int[] a) and public static int getMin(int[] a) have int[] as their input parameter, but they are later called without any parameters: arr.getMax(); and arr.getMin();. This is the cause of the error you are getting from the compiler. EDIT: You probably want to modify your methods not to be static and … Read more

[Solved] Finding largest number in array [closed]

Try using std::max_element from <algorithm>: #include <algorithm> int i[] = { 1, 84, 11, 31 }; // for C++11 and later: int max = *std::max_element(std::begin(i), std::end(i)); // for C++03 or earlier: int max2 = *std::max_element(i, i + (sizeof(i) / sizeof(*i))); or if your array is static, you can just use an C++11 initializer list: auto … Read more