[Solved] How to convert string to array in react js?

I’ve figured out that the JSON is already valid, I was just too confused and irritated by the errors with different usages of Object.keys etc.! I’ve solved the issue with: const arr = Object.entries(this.props.user); const mapped = []; arr.forEach(([key, value]) => mapped.push(value)); This way I am cutting out the {} entries inside the object and … Read more

[Solved] Get uncommon values from two or more arrays

Use array_diff and array_merge: $result = array_merge(array_diff($array1, $array2), array_diff($array2, $array1)); Here’s a demo. For multiple arrays, combine it with a callback and array_reduce: function unique(&$a, $b) { return $a ? array_merge(array_diff($a, $b), array_diff($b, $a)) : $b; } $arrays = array( array(‘green’, ‘red’, ‘blue’), array(‘green’, ‘yellow’, ‘red’) ); $result = array_reduce($arrays, ‘unique’); And here’s a demo … Read more

[Solved] How to make dynamic array from static array

You can generate variable names in for loops like this. Just change the value of $how_many_i_want. $how_many_i_want = 3; for($x=0;$x<$how_many_i_want;$x++){ generate_entropy($x); } function generate_entropy($nth){ $kriteria = [‘C1′,’C2′,’C3′,’C4′,’C5′,’C6’]; $alternatif = [‘ALT1′,’ALT2′,’ALT’,’ALT4′,’ALT5′,’ALT6′,’ALT7′]; ${“nEntropy$nth”} = array(); for ($i=0;$i<count($kriteria);$i++){ for ($j=0;$j<count($alternatif);$j++){ ${“nEntropy$nth”}[$i] = (((-1)/log(7)) *( ($probabilitas[0][$nth]*log($probabilitas[0][$nth]))+ ($probabilitas[1][$nth]*log($probabilitas[1][$nth]))+ ($probabilitas[2][$nth]*log($probabilitas[2][$nth]))+ ($probabilitas[3][$nth]*log($probabilitas[3][$nth]))+ ($probabilitas[4][$nth]*log($probabilitas[4][$nth]))+ ($probabilitas[5][$nth]*log($probabilitas[5][$nth]))+ ($probabilitas[6][$nth]*log($probabilitas[6][$nth])) )); } } showb(${“nEntropy$nth”}); } 6 solved … Read more

[Solved] How to copy portions of an array into another array

There’s very few good reasons to use memcpy() in C++. If I understand what you’re asking correctly, here’s an example of how to do it using std::copy(). vector<char*> args(argc – 2); copy(argv + 2, argv + argc, begin(args)); Live example. 11 solved How to copy portions of an array into another array

[Solved] how to search for the value with a certain index in an array and modify its value?

For a oneliner, you could use map from Array.prototype: secondArray = secondArray.map((element, index) => firstArray.includes(index) ? “blank” : element ) Please note the map function returns a new array, instead of modifying the original one. Edit: removed redundant return and curly-braces around the arrow function body 1 solved how to search for the value with … Read more

[Solved] I want to just use a simple for loop

You are trying to achieve the following: import Foundation let input = [“VALUE ACTIVITY”, “BONUS ACTIVITY”, “JACKPOT EVENTS”, “VALUE ACTIVITY”, “JACKPOT EVENTS”] var output = [String]() for element in input { if element.contains(“VALUE ACTIVITY”) { output.append(element.replacingOccurrences(of: “VALUE ACTIVITY”, with: “Value”)) } else if element.contains(“JACKPOT EVENTS”) { output.append(element.replacingOccurrences(of: “JACKPOT EVENTS”, with: “Jackpot”)) } else if element.contains(“BONUS … Read more

[Solved] Why can I convert from int ** to int * in the case of the two-dimensional array, but not in the case of the array of pointers

You might want to learn how these objects are laid out in memory: int array[][3] = { {1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9} }; int *p_array = (int *) array; This creates an object array of type int[][3] in memory (in this case stack) physically laid out in a hypothetical (16-bit word size) architecture as: array 0x8000: 0x0001 … Read more

[Solved] Search through an array in Java

I would prefere to use a collection of hospital objects instead of the array, but if this is not what you want you may use this: int highestPriorityHospitalIndex(int[] a) { for (int priority = 1; priority <= 7; priority++) { for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] == priority && … Read more

[Solved] Declaration of array size is illegal

A declaration of an array in Java doesn’t require or allow a size specification. This would require to consider int[10] a type, so that, for example, type(int[10]) != type(int[5]). But in Java you can just declare a T[] type without being able to force the size for the declaration. You just create an array of … Read more

[Solved] Catching ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExc

An ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException should generally not be handled as it is considered as a programming error. However, if you want to do this.. just write it the more natural way : try { for(row=row-1;row>=0;row–) { if(tablero[col1][row]==”.”) { tablero[col1][row]=”X”; break; } } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { // do something } However, from your edited message, it … Read more

[Solved] How can i sort array: string[]?

You can try the following string[] strarr = new string[] { @”c:\temp\newimages\Changed_Resolution_By_10\SecondProcess_-Width = 502 Height = 502\animated502x502.gif”, @”c:\temp\newimages\Changed_Resolution_By_10\SecondProcess_-Width = 492 Height = 492\animated492x492.gif”, @”c:\temp\newimages\Changed_Resolution_By_10\SecondProcess_-Width = 2 Height = 2\animated2x2.gif” }; IEnumerable<string> strTest = strarr.OrderByDescending(p => p.Substring(p.IndexOf(“x”), p.Length – p.IndexOf(“.”))); solved How can i sort array: string[]?

[Solved] How to improve this function to test Underscore Sample `_.sample()`

Due to the complaints that this question was not very direct I created other posts to get the answers I was looking for. This answers the main questions I had. Answers: Understanding how array.prototype.call() works explains the output of this pattern. A full detailed answer can be found here: Mapping Array in Javascript with sequential … Read more

[Solved] Count elements with a the same name in an array in php

array_count_values array_count_values() returns an array using the values of array as keys and their frequency in array as values. $varArray = array(); // take a one empty array foreach ($rowa as $rowsa) { $sql = “SELECT count(*) as NUMBER FROM BANDZENDINGEN WHERE FB_AFGESLOTEN = ‘F’ AND FB_AKTIEF = ‘T’ AND FI_AFVOERKANAAL = 1 AND FI_RAYONID … Read more