[Solved] Making new array and push there keys on that new array [closed]

You can use Object.keys() and .reduce() method: let data = {‘Achievement’: [“110”, “100”, “104”, “110”],’Emp Code’ : [“1000001”, “1000001”, “1000001”, “1000001”],’Product’ :[“Product A “, “Product B”, “Product A “, “Product B”],’Reportee Name’ :[“Harry”, “Harry”, “Peter”, “Peter”],’Target’ : [“116”, “94”, “105”, “114”],’percentage’: [“94.82758621”, “106.3829787”, “99.04761905”, “96.49122807”]}; let result = Object.keys(data) .reduce((a, c, i) => (a[i] = … Read more

[Solved] Check for a String in an array [closed]

Alamofire.request works asynchronously. A function / method which includes an asynchronous call can never have a return value. You need a callback for example func getUsuarios(completion : ([String]) -> Void) { var usuariosDataBase = [String]() Alamofire.request(.GET, url) .responseJSON { response in print(response) do { let json = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(response.data!, options: .AllowFragments) if let blogs = … Read more

[Solved] Sort out array of object using its value [duplicate]

Use String.localeCompare() with the numeric option to sort using possibility, but use – (minus) to get descending results. If the comparison returns 0 (equals), use localeCompare again to compare the names: const array = [{“name”:”fever”,”possibility”:”20%”},{“name”:”hiv”,”possibility”:”25%”},{“name”:”heart-attack”,”possibility”:”20%”},{“name”:”covid”,”possibility”:”40%”}] const result = array.sort((a, b) => -a.possibility.localeCompare(b.possibility, undefined, { numeric: true }) || a.name.localeCompare(b.name) ) console.log(result) solved Sort out array … Read more

[Solved] Want to sum of values with same property name in object using javascript or jquery [closed]

The solution using Array.prototype.reduce, Object.keys and Array.prototype.forEach functions: var allreasonsids = [{reasonid: 1, reasonname: ‘abc’}, {reasonid: 2, reasonname: ‘def’}, {reasonid: 3, reasonname: ‘ghi’}, {reasonid: 4, reasonname: ‘jkl’}], reasonsandcount = [{reasonid: 1, quantity: 5},{reasonid: 2, quantity: 10},{reasonid: 1, quantity: 3},{reasonid: 3, quantity: 4},{reasonid: 1, quantity: 2},{reasonid: 2, quantity: 6}]; // getting sums for grouped `reasonid` items … Read more

[Solved] NullPointerException object and arrays

The method is lack of a modifier static It should be public static void main(String[] args) {. Change your code of class SearchComparison as follows and you will get the right result. public class SearchComparison { public static void main(String[] args) { StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); ArrayUtilities utilities = new ArrayUtilities(); watch.start(); utilities.generateRandom(5); watch.stop(); … Read more

[Solved] Output an array in alphabetical order [closed]

You can try $group = array_reduce($data, function($a,$b) { $a[$b[‘surname’]{0}][] = $b; return $a; } ); ksort($group); foreach($group as $id => $data) { printf(“<h4>%s</h4>\n”,$id); foreach($data as $name) { printf(“%s %s\n”,$name[‘name’],$name[‘surname’]); } } Output <h4>B</h4> Bill Buffalo <h4>D</h4> John Doe Mark Doe See Full Demo 1 solved Output an array in alphabetical order [closed]

[Solved] Give all elements in Class an seperate Id Javascript

Just add attribute id using, addImage.id=”Image”+i; or setAttribute(‘id’, “Image”+i) like the following: for(var i=0;i<Images.length;i++){ var addImage = document.createElement(“img”); addImage.className = “cssImages”; addImage.setAttribute(‘src’, Images[i]); addImage.setAttribute(‘id’, “Image”+i); IMGdiv.appendChild(addImage); } 4 solved Give all elements in Class an seperate Id Javascript