[Solved] Php group repeated array values

One option to your expected output is to create a indexed array with the associative array below it. This will create this kind of array: array(4) { [0]=> array(1) { [203]=> int(1) } [1]=> array(1) { [204]=> int(2) } [2]=> array(1) { [203]=> int(2) } [3]=> array(1) { [205]=> int(1) } } This is not … Read more

[Solved] C# get part of array by array mask

I suggest finding the index of the first mask ocurrence: private static int MaskIndex(byte[] source, byte[] mask) { if (mask.Length == 0) return 0; // or source.Length; or throw exception for (int i = 0; i < source.Length – mask.Length + 1; ++i) { bool found = true; for (int j = 0; j < … Read more

[Solved] Two Number Is in between range in array jquery

A loop or two will do. We need to compare all pairs to all others. let arrayFrom = [‘1’, ‘6.1’, ’10’, ’31’, ‘6.2’, 3]; let arrayTo = [‘2’, ‘9.9’, ’30’, ‘401’, ‘7’, 5]; function is_pair_included(a, in_b) { return (a[0] > in_b[0] && a[1] < in_b[1]) } var to_remove = []; for (var i = 0; … Read more

[Solved] Array of objects containing objects to flat object array

this should work: const all = [ { “a”: “Content A”, “b”: { “1”: “Content 1”, “2”: “Content 2” } }, { “y”: “Content Y”, “x”: { “3”: “Content 3”, “4”: “Content 4” } }, ]; console.log(all.reduce((prev, el) =>{ let curr = Object.entries(el); let k1 = curr[0][0]; let k2 = curr[1][0]; Object.entries(curr[1][1]).forEach((o => { let … Read more

[Solved] Multi-Dimensional String Arrays

if i ask to print array 1, 1 then i would get back “d”? No that would return an error, as arrays start at 0. So you must return words[0][0], that would get you back “d”. solved Multi-Dimensional String Arrays

[Solved] Sort big array into smaller by value in objects

You can easily group by name to get what you need. Below is a quite general function to group any array of objects to a Map, by specified property. Then simply make it an array and you’re done function group(arr, propertyToGroupBy) { return arr.reduce(function(a, b) { return a.set(b[propertyToGroupBy], (a.get(b[propertyToGroupBy]) || []).concat(b)); }, new Map); } … Read more

[Solved] How to iterate over Array List and modify elements inside the object in Java?

Assuming that class CatchesItem has time field defined as LocalDateTime, the check for today’s timestamp may be implemented as follows: import java.time.*; // … LocalDate today = LocalDate.now(); for (CatchesItem item : items) { if (today.equals(item.getTime().toLocalDate())) { item.setAmount(item.getAmount() + 5); // add some value to amount } } items.forEach(System.out::println); Output (for the input data as … Read more

[Solved] How can I access an array in C

You have a few errors, can you try this: void load(char *name, float *share, float *buyprice, float *currprice) { printf(“Enter stock name”); gets(name); printf(“Enter share, buyprice, currprice”); scanf(“%f %f %f”, share, buyprice, currprice); // changes: removed &* } void calc(float share, float buyprice, float currprice, float *buytotal, float *currtotal, float *profit) { *buytotal = share … Read more