[Solved] Javascript nested array keep only specific keys

Below is a worked solution: let arr = [ { keep1: ‘abc’, keep2: ‘def’, buh1: false, buh2: false }, { keep3: ‘abc’, keep4: ‘def’, buh3: false, buh4: true }, { keep5: ‘abc’, keep6: ‘def’, buh5: false, buh5: false } ] let whiteList = [‘keep1’, ‘keep2’, ‘keep3’, ‘keep4’, ‘keep5’]; arr.forEach(function (obj) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) { if (whiteList.indexOf(key) … Read more

[Solved] Let’s say I have an array of characters (a string ) and I want to count how many time each character appears. However there should be no if

Let’s say I have an array of characters (a string ) and I want to count how many time each character appears. However there should be no if solved Let’s say I have an array of characters (a string ) and I want to count how many time each character appears. However there should be … Read more

[Solved] Java Incompatible types: inputstream cannot be converted to scanner

private ArrayList<Student> readFile() throws FileNotFoundException { String fName = “p02-students.txt”; Scanner scan = new Scanner(new File(fName)); ArrayList<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<Student>(); while (scan.hasNext()) { String studentType = scan.next(); if (studentType.equals(“C”)) { studentList.add(readOnCampusStudent(scan)); } else { studentList.add(readOnlineStudent(scan)); } scan.nextLine(); } scan.close(); return studentList; } I didn’t get the error you mentioned earlier, but I was getting … Read more

[Solved] looping thru multidimentional array and getting value of keys [closed]

//Initiate new array to store coords $latlongs = array(); //Loop through your array foreach($yourArray as $k=>$v){ // Loop through the partnerlist to extract lat/lon // Append to your coord array, and preserve the industry key // So that you know which lat/lons came from where foreach($v[‘partnerlist’] as $a){ $latlongs[$k][] = array(“latitude”=>$a[‘latitude’],”longitude”=>$a[‘longitude’]; } } This will … Read more

[Solved] Read worksheet into 2 dimentional array [duplicate]

Here is a typical example of pulling 50 columns of data with a variable number of rows from the active worksheet into a two dimensional array: Sub GetData() Dim r As Range Dim N As Long N = Cells(Rows.Count, “A”).End(xlUp).Row arr = Range(“A4:AX” & N) End Sub solved Read worksheet into 2 dimentional array [duplicate]

[Solved] Convert string into several integer arrays [duplicate]

var result = string.trim().split(“, “).map(el=>el.split(“|”).map(n=>+n)) this splits the string into an array of these groups ( yet as string ) “1|2, 3|4” => [“1|2″,”3|4”] then maps this array to a new array containing the strings splitted and converted to numbers: => [[1,2],[3,4]] 2 solved Convert string into several integer arrays [duplicate]

[Solved] How to filter squares in an array [closed]

What about this, you iterate over the array and check that the square of the square root is the same as the original number. If so, you add it to a list that you convert to an array once you are done. int[] numbers = new int[] { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 }; List<Integer> resultList = new ArrayList<>(); … Read more