[Solved] If I built an app with a CSS framework, and then they change their styles, would the look of my site change with? [closed]

Question 1 As mentioned in the question, say one of these front end libraries were to update their UI components, would these changes reflect in my app or is it version dependent? Oh, yes, the appearance of your site will definitely change. Suppose you had this CSS library: .ui { font-family:system-ui; } body { background-image:url(“/some/image/and/the/file.jpg”); … Read more

[Solved] Where I must contain business logic of my application? [closed]

It’s down to preferences. As long as you are using the correct standards, you should be fine! So in Laravel, I use Models strictly for database operations. I also create a folder called Services and another folder called Hydrators My services in the service folder handles the business logic e.g grabbing data from the models … Read more

[Solved] What principles or concepts exist to communicate between two webservers securely? [closed]

Restful web-service endpoints on each application makes reasonable sense based on the assumption you want to stick with Django/Python for this. I would suggest using Django Rest Framework and make use of token based authentication with pre-configured “shared keys” (which you can periodically rotate). With token-based auth, your keys are passed in the HTTP header … Read more

[Solved] which architecture is good for implementing in this project? [closed]

Create a new MVC project and then install CodePlanner from nuget. Install-Package CodePlanner This will give you the architecture you are looking for. Then follow the instructions in the readme.txt… It will give you the chance to use DDD and will generate all code except business logic (of course). You can see a demo of … Read more