[Solved] How to connect Python consumer to AWS MSK [closed]

Using kafka-python: from kafka import KafkaConsumer if __name__ == ‘__main__’: topic_name=”example-topic” consumer = KafkaConsumer(topic_name, auto_offset_reset=”earliest”, bootstrap_servers=[‘kafka2:9092′], api_version=(0, 10), consumer_timeout_ms=1000) for msg in consumer: print(msg.value) if consumer is not None: consumer.close() from time import sleep from kafka import KafkaProducer # publish messages on topic def publish_message(producer_instance, topic_name, key, value): try: key_bytes = bytes(key, encoding=’utf-8’) value_bytes = … Read more

[Solved] serverless events are missing

You need to add events to your functions. Have a read through the serverless documentation for events. Currently serverless supports lambdas to be invoked by API GateWay, Kinesis, DynamoDB, S3, Schedule, SNS, and Alexa Skill. (read more) So in this case, adding a required events tag should solve your problem. … functions: smartHome: handler: ${file(./${env:DEPLOY_FILE_NAME_STAGE}):handler} … Read more

[Solved] error configuring S3 Backend: no valid credential sources for S3 Backend found

Ok I managed to fix this issue. You have to remove profile from provider and other .tf files files. So my main.tf file is – provider “aws” { region = “${var.region}” } terraform { required_providers { aws = { source = “hashicorp/aws” version = “~> 4.30” } } backend “s3” { } } And backend.dev.conf … Read more

[Solved] Do amazon ec2 linux instances run on VMWare?

AWS’s EC2 service runs mostly on Linux servers, nearly a half-million of them according to the article below. They are running a modified version of the Xen hypervisor. http://www.zdnet.com/blog/open-source/amazon-ec2-cloud-is-made-up-of-almost-half-a-million-linux-servers/10620 1 solved Do amazon ec2 linux instances run on VMWare?

[Solved] Matching Data Tables by five columns to change a value in another column

In R it is always preferable to avoid loops wherever possible, as they are usually much slower than alternative vectorized solutions. This operation can be done with a data.table join. Basically, when you run dt1[dt2]; you are performing a right-join between the two data.tables. The preset key columns of dt1 determine which columns to join … Read more

[Solved] My AWS ec2 instance is running on ec2-xx-1xx-xxx-24.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8000. how do i make it run on ec2-xx-1xx-xxx-24.compute-1.amazonaws.com

You can configure the same via virtual host in httdp.conf with redirection rule or you can do the same with ELB in which you can mention the request comes on 80 and ELB will forward the same on 8000 port. solved My AWS ec2 instance is running on ec2-xx-1xx-xxx-24.compute-1.amazonaws.com:8000. how do i make it run … Read more

[Solved] How to set up subdomain on AWS [closed]

Well, not sure I fully understand what you are trying to do, but if you have ‘main’ and ‘admin’ running on two separate servers (behind elastic IP), you can easily create main.example.com and admin.example.com by adding example.com nameservers to Route53 and then create an A record for both main and admin. http://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/CreatingHostedZone.html solved How to … Read more

[Solved] Count Running and Stopped Ec2 Instances with AWS Lambda

Here’s some code that retrieves a list of instances and count the number of stopped and running instances: import boto3 def lambda_handler(event, context): ec2_resource = boto3.resource(‘ec2’) instances = [instance.state[“Name”] for instance in ec2_resource.instances.all()] print(‘Running: ‘, instances.count(‘running’)) print(‘Stopped: ‘, instances.count(‘stopped’)) The call to ec2_resource.instances.all() retrieves a list of all instances, and there is a state attribute … Read more