[Solved] Convert several YAML files to CSV

I would make use of a Python YAML library to help with doing that. This could be installed using: pip install pyyaml The files you have given could then be converted to CSV as follows: import csv import yaml fieldnames = [‘Name’, ‘Author’, ‘Written’, ‘About’, ‘Body’] with open(‘output.csv’, ‘w’, newline=””) as f_output: csv_output = csv.DictWriter(f_output, … Read more

[Solved] serverless events are missing

You need to add events to your functions. Have a read through the serverless documentation for events. Currently serverless supports lambdas to be invoked by API GateWay, Kinesis, DynamoDB, S3, Schedule, SNS, and Alexa Skill. (read more) So in this case, adding a required events tag should solve your problem. … functions: smartHome: handler: ${file(./${env:DEPLOY_FILE_NAME_STAGE}):handler} … Read more