[Solved] Arrays cannot be half of a number [closed]

Your understanding is correct: 8.3.4 Arrays In a declaration T D where D has the form D1 [constant-expression opt ] and the type of the identifier in the declaration T D1 is “derived-declarator-type-list T,” then the type of the identifier of D is an array type. T is called the array element type; this type … Read more

[Solved] Slightly Complicated SQL query

Something like this should return the specified resultset: SELECT u.id AS user_id , u.user_name , SUM(a.user_id IS NOT NULL) AS total_count_of_articles FROM users u LEFT JOIN users_articles a ON a.user_id = u.id GROUP BY u.id, u.user_name ORDER BY total_count_of_articles DESC 2 solved Slightly Complicated SQL query

[Solved] DOMDocument : some basic questions [closed]

both are <div id=”one”> Note the all the h1, h2 and blockquote nodes are childs of this one. $dom->getElementById(0); would return the first element. $dom->getElementById(1); would return the second (if it existed) id is the name of an attribute in this tag <div id=”one”> Do not understand the question. what do you mean by single … Read more

[Solved] Abstract class input for start [closed]

AbstractClass does not have a default constructor. It’s only constructor takes one argument. Therefore class test must also have a constructor which calls super and passes a int. solved Abstract class input for start [closed]

[Solved] Quicksort input text C++

Maybe you need to learn File I/O with C++. Basically you include <fstream> and create instances of fstream (for I/O), ifstream (for input only) or ofstream (for output only). Then you open a file and use the object as you usually do with cin/cout. Here‘s a Google search. The first page contains a lot of … Read more

[Solved] How can I create a table as displayed in the below screen shot [closed]

You can add the following to css: tr { border: 1px solid black; } th { border: 0; width: 100px; text-align: left; } Here is the snippet: tr { border: 1px solid black; } th { border: 0; width: 100px; text-align: left; } <table border=1px solid; style=”border-collapse:collapse;” RULES=COLS> <tr> <th>Duration </th> <th>Topic</th> </tr> <tr> <td>10 … Read more

[Solved] c++ platforms solving with dynamic programming

To restore path: Store additional n-sized array, say, prev[n], prev[0]=-1. If your dp decides for i’th step that you came from i-1, (i.e. dp[i – 1] + abs(v[i] – v[i – 1]) was larger than dp[i – 2] + 3 * abs(v[i] – v[i – 2])), then prev[i]=i – 1, otherwise prev[i]=i – 2. Then … Read more

[Solved] how do i implement heap data structure using c++? [closed]

Here is my simplest C++ implementation for heap. The code is well-commented. /* Usage: heap Heap; Heap.clear(); Heap.insert(value); Heap.remove(); Heap.print(); */ struct heap { int myarray[NN+1]; // myarray to store the numbers as heap, 1 indexed int n; // the number of nodes in my array heap() { // constructor clear(); // we clear the … Read more

[Solved] Implementing an update to android app outside play store [closed]

Upload the updated APK file to a server, along with a “Version.txt” file and follow the sample below: /* * Code Prepared by **Muhammad Mubashir**. * Analyst Software Engineer. Email Id : [email protected] Skype Id : muhammad.mubashir.ansari Code: **August, 2011.** Description: **Get Updates(means New .Apk File) from IIS Server and Download it on Device SD … Read more