[Solved] assign value to a variable rather than using if statement

This is a merge operation as far as I can tell. Make a little lookup table with your Gbcode/ncnty data, and then merge it in. # lookup table lkup <- data.frame(Gbcode=c(11,12,13),ncnty=c(20,19,198)) #example data dt <- data.frame(Gbcode=c(11,13,12,11,13,12,12)) dt # Gbcode #1 11 #2 13 #3 12 #4 11 #5 13 #6 12 #7 12 Merge: merge(dt, … Read more

[Solved] My android app is not opening but installing [closed]

Disable instant run in your Android Studio and Take a build once more. It will work fine. Now, As per stable available version 2.1.2 of Android studio, If you need to turn off Instant Run, go to File → Settings → Build, Execution, Deployment → Instant Run and uncheck Enable Instant Run. This occurs because … Read more

[Solved] Java Change Date Format [duplicate]

Date objects don’t have a format. Formatting can only be applied when you display them as a strings. A Date object simply stores all the info about the date (day, month, year, time, etc). When displaying that data, it is displayed as a string, and that is when it makes sense to arrange the data … Read more

[Solved] When click a link, Need to add checked attribute in radio button [closed]

$(‘#linkID’).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(‘.classradiobuttons’).prop(‘checked’,true); }) use class=”classradiobuttons” on all your check boxes that need to be checked for that paticular link similarly give a new id to another link and do the same with other radiobutton with a new class name solved When click a link, Need to add checked attribute in radio button [closed]

[Solved] Serilization in Java [closed]

It’s Marker Interface and just like an normal interface. with no methods. public class Paging implements Serializable{ } And somewhere else Runtime realizes objects like if (Paging instanceof Serializable) { // Hey this object is able to serialize..lets go furthur } else { // Dear programmer , your class not implemented Serializable } solved Serilization … Read more

[Solved] why the array is static [closed]

The function isn’t the pointer. The return value is int * since it returns an array of int. You need a pointer to access an array. If it’s not a pointer, then you are expecting a single int variable. If it’s not static, then the array will be deallocated and gone when the function reached … Read more

[Solved] Php Newbie, echo not working?

I suppose that you have forgotten to let the filename end with .php. So everything between the <(?php) and the (?)> is interpreted as a html tag and not visible. See your raw html output, then you may notice what’s going on. 1 solved Php Newbie, echo not working?

[Solved] TypeError: array[i] is undefined

You are not allowed to put a PHP array directly to JavaScript. Please try to json_encode it: onclick=’mostrarModal(“.$idboton.”,”.json_encode($arraynombres).”);’ Regarding your JavaScript I would suggest to directly use eventos instead of copying the elements to array: for(var i =0; i < eventos.length;i++) { acumuladordenombres = acumuladordenombres +’ ‘+ eventos[i][0]; } solved TypeError: array[i] is undefined

[Solved] How can I read and process this kind of file [closed]

You can do this with file operations in c, i am just giving you hints, FILE *pFilePtr; // file pointer(handle of file) pFilePtr = fopen(argv[1],”r”); //define buffer to store data read line by line data char buf[32]={0}; //Now you can run a while loop to read entire file with fread() to get whole first line(until … Read more

[Solved] Stuck in infinite fgets loop

If there are more than one statements that you want to write in a loop or if statement, then you must use braces {} to define which statements come in the loop. In your code, only the printf(“Insert a non negative number: “); statement is in the loop, and nothing is changing the input‘s value … Read more

[Solved] The try block doesn’t execute

Runtime exception is parent of Io exception so when you put catch blocks in a order such that parent exception is placed;Any exception will be catched and executed in parent catch only. so it executes runtime exception: remove runtime exception for an instance and see the diffrence 4 solved The try block doesn’t execute

[Solved] How to pass value to another controller view in Xcode

I end up using prepareForSegue method. first i create a string in my third view controller. @property (strong,nonatomic) NSString* stringFromSecondView; Then I gave the push segue an ID called “getDate” and in my second view class use this code below and remember to import the thirdviewcontroller.h #import “thirdViewController.h” -(void) prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender{ if([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@”getDate”]){ NSString … Read more

[Solved] Excel VBA to sum right column to left column

It’s not the most elegant code, but it works out for you. I totally changed the logic that you used to make ColSumTraining3 sub. Assign the macro to a button, select the desired row and click the button. The value of CumWip will be automattically filled based on the Area. You can adapt this code … Read more