[Solved] Why this don’t work? [closed]

Little change. Issue in execute. You are passing blank array in this. So you have to check first if array containing value or not function db_toplu_veri_oku($query, $execute = array() , $binds = array(),$debug = false) { global $db; $query = $db->prepare($query); foreach($binds as $bind) { $query->bindValue($bind[0], $bind[1], $bind[2]); } if(count($execute)) //<———–Add this condition $select = … Read more

[Solved] How to add dots between every two digits of a six digit substring?

You want to use a replace technique (in whatever language/environment you are using) on your substrings by capturing like this: (\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2}) *note the curly brackets are for improved efficiency. And replace with: $1.$2.$3 Here is a demo link. Here is a SO page discussing the execution of replacements on nano. 1 solved How to add … Read more

[Solved] how to handle pivot swipe gesture through button click event in windows phone [closed]

you can easily achieve this via setting the Pivot.SelectedIndex like for forward if(Pivot.selectedIndex < Pivot.Items.Count) Pivot.selectedIndex++; else Pivot.selectedIndex = 0; for backward if(Pivot.selectedIndex > 0) Pivot.selectedIndex–; else Pivot.selectedIndex = Pivot.Items.Count – 1; 13 solved how to handle pivot swipe gesture through button click event in windows phone [closed]

[Solved] How to formulate this logic using only if statement?

Lets see: The first five letters or numbers are included in the minimum charge; there is a $4 charge for each additional character. In pseudo-code: if sign-length <= 5: charge stays the same else: charge = charge + (sign-length – 5) * rate-per-character Should get you going … solved How to formulate this logic using … Read more

[Solved] Django 1.11 – forms.Models: change default form widget for DateTimeField

Are you able to include any more of your code. i.e. Have you created a forms.py file? I presume you will be creating ModelForms? If you have you can do something like this: from django.forms import widget Class DateInput(forms.DateInput): input_type=”date” Class Example(models.ModelForm): class Meta: #insert class Meta below model = #reference your model fields = … Read more

[Solved] How to fix this error calling getter in view from controller in flutter using GetX [closed]

Changing _answersModel to answersModel would fix your issue. Also calling AnswersController.answersModel doesn’t work because answersModel is not a static field, I think you meant call answersController.answersModel Note: Adding an underscore to a class file is making it private field in dart/flutter which means it can’t be accessed in another file. solved How to fix this … Read more

[Solved] List contents changing with each iteration

I think your problem is in the last few lines: for i in range(len(tuples)): for x in range(len(tuples[i][1])): […] for neighbor in neighbors: for i in range(len(neighbor)-1): #<- HERE […] Your outer loop is iterating over the index of tuples and stores this index in the variable i. The nested loop at the end overwrites … Read more

[Solved] Group checkboxes in JSFiddle : Part 1 [closed]

You have some issues in your function: Try this way: Js function CheckAllClick(elem) { $(elem).closest(‘fieldset’).find(‘:checkbox’).prop(‘checked’, elem.checked); } Markup <input type=”checkbox” ID=”checkall1″ onclick=”CheckAllClick(this);”>Check all</div> Fiddle Pass the element in the onclick function as this and access it in your code. If you can go with jquery approach then: Add a class to your checkall check boxes … Read more

[Solved] Java :- String search in proximity manner

Here is a very naive way without regex. public class NotElegant { public static void main(String[] args){ String text = “doctors found many cancer related chest problems in japan during second world war.”; String term = “cancer problems”; System.out.println(getWordsNearEachOther(text,term,3)); } public static String getWordsNearEachOther(String text, String term, int distance){ String word1= term.split(” “)[0]; String word2= … Read more

[Solved] remove Div and appear it another place [duplicate]

Try this code JS $(“.pop”).on(‘click’, function() { // Get the closest anchor container var $a =$(this).closest(‘a’); // Insert after the last anchor container $a.insertAfter(‘a:last’) }) Also bind has been superseeded by on . Use that to bind event handlers. Also your html can be cleaned up a bit, by not repeating the same styles. Move … Read more

[Solved] Call an array from one method to another method [closed]

Here’s a text (comment) illustrated explanation (both the question and the answer): public Object[] methodA() { // We are method A // In which we create an array Object[] someArrayCreatedInMethodA = new Object[10]; // And we can returned someArrayCreatedInMethodA return someArrayCreatedInMethodA; } public void methodB() { // Here we are inside another method B // … Read more