[Solved] Need help linking 2k files into html [closed]

Given your specific situation as explained in the chat, you have no access to the ‘back end’ you DO have access and permission to change the directory-structure and file-names of the course-materials (pdf-files) current path & filenaming conventions are a mess (don’t exist) and unpredictable there is currently nothing linking course-codes with course-descriptions/course-materials every course … Read more

[Solved] JAVA: Identify a prime number [closed]

Remove the continue; after line System.out.println(“The integer you entered ” + n + ” is not a PRIME NUMBER!”);. What continue; does is that it skips all the section of the loop that comes after it and performs the next iteration of the loop. 1 solved JAVA: Identify a prime number [closed]

[Solved] C++ code not compiled correctly [closed]

First things first, cin << AmerAge; should be: cin >> AmerAge; I remember this with the memory aid: you input data to the variable, cin >> var, you output it from it, cout << var. Secondly, conio is not a C++ header, it’s not even a C header. It’s a blast from the past from … Read more

[Solved] Exit app on double tap (android app)

in c# void Update(){ if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) Application.Quit(); } or in .js function Update(){ if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) Application.Quit(); } This is the function for exit app when back button pressed, if you want to exit the app when back button pressed twice, implement the logic in the java code you have posted in question into equivalent code … Read more

[Solved] What’s way to define variable is better and why?

Javascript is functionally scoped, so in the first way, a is defined globally, while in the second, it’s defined in the scope of the function DoSomething. Also note that in the first method, you’re calling DoSomething incorrectly. Instead of calling it after the timeout, you’re calling it immediately, and passing it’s result (which is nothing … Read more

[Solved] How to know if a number is in another number python

use itertools.product to get the tuples (you will have to filter out the same number twice), then use set intersections of the digits to see if they have any digits in common. import itertools numbers = [12, 23, 26, 54] [t for t in itertools.product(numbers, numbers) if set(str(t[0])) & set(str(t[1])) and t[0] != t[1]] [(12, … Read more

[Solved] how to show an alert box In javascript

If you want to check if the user has entered a number or not, you could use isNaN: function foo() { var a = document.getElementById(“inputField”).value; if (isNaN(a)) { alert(“Must input numbers”); } else { alert(“its a number”); } } where inputField is the ID of your input field. Of course you can use if (isNaN(a)) … Read more

[Solved] Arrays cannot be half of a number [closed]

Your understanding is correct: 8.3.4 Arrays In a declaration T D where D has the form D1 [constant-expression opt ] and the type of the identifier in the declaration T D1 is “derived-declarator-type-list T,” then the type of the identifier of D is an array type. T is called the array element type; this type … Read more