[Solved] How do I add class using jquery/javascript to different elements depending on what day is it?

You don’t need jQuery to check what date it is. You can use plain Javascript for that. var today = new Date(); if(today.getDate() === 17) { $(‘.on-17’).addClass(‘active’); } A more dynamic implementation that always adds class active to the current day’s div: var today = new Date(); var dayOfMonth = today.getDate(); $(‘on-‘ + dayOfMonth).addClass(‘active’); If … Read more

[Solved] Solitaire game design [closed]

You need a representation of a card which will hold the card’s value and suit. You will also need a data structure to represent a “stack” of cards. From there, building the GUI shouldn’t be that challenging. This is a very easy project, and you seem to have the right idea. 1 solved Solitaire game … Read more

[Solved] How to solve this issue in a URL? [closed]

Your question is not clear. what i understand that seems u want to restrict user to modified url. you can user URL Referrer check on page load if Request.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri == null { Response.redirect(“home page”) } If someone tried to modify url it will alway return null and you can redirect to home page or some … Read more

[Solved] Fortran iso_c_binding standard: Error: Type mismatch in argument ‘test_variable’ at (1); passed INTEGER(8) to TYPE(c_ptr) [closed]

Fortran iso_c_binding standard: Error: Type mismatch in argument ‘test_variable’ at (1); passed INTEGER(8) to TYPE(c_ptr) [closed] solved Fortran iso_c_binding standard: Error: Type mismatch in argument ‘test_variable’ at (1); passed INTEGER(8) to TYPE(c_ptr) [closed]

[Solved] What is the most efficient way to convert JSON with multiple objects to array in JavaScript [closed]

Simple solution with two map() operations: const data = [{ “week”: 1, “lost”: 10, “recovery_timespan”: [{ “week”: 2, “count”: 1 }, { “week”: 3, “count”: 0 }] }, { “week”: 2, “lost”: 7, “recovery_timespan”: [{ “week”: 3, “count”: 1 }, { “week”: 4, “count”: 3 }] }, { “week”: 3, “lost”: 8, “recovery_timespan”: [{ “week”: … Read more

[Solved] How could I bring this code that is in C ++ to C? … it is important :( [closed]

Memory allocation in C is usually done with malloc. frametable[i] = malloc(references * sizeof *frametable); Alternatively, you could use calloc: frametable[i] = calloc(references, sizeof *frametable); As you can see, the important part is determining the size of the memory allocation, and ideally you would use sizeof of the variable you want to put it into. … Read more

[Solved] I am getting an error message that I don’t know how to fix

nombre is a pointer to the structure Nombre, so nombre[0] is the structure, not an integer. You should allocate correct size and refer the member nombre to access the elements. Also note that casting results of malloc() family is considered as a bad practice. #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct{ char nombre[9]; }Nombre; Nombre* crearNombre(){ Nombre *nombre; … Read more