[Solved] java , inserting between duplicate chars in String [closed]

Well, you could try: Example 1: Using REGEX public static void main(String[] args) { String text = “Hello worlld this is someething cool!”; //add # between all double letters String processingOfText = text.replaceAll(“(\\w)\\1”, “$1#$1”); System.out.println(processingOfText); } Example 2: Using string manipulations public static void main(String[] args) { String text = “Hello worlld this is someething … Read more

[Solved] Creating a method in Common Lisp

To create a function in common lisp you can use the defun operator: (defun signal-error (msg) (error msg)) Now you can call it like so: (signal-error “This message will be signalled as the error message”) Then you can insert it in your code like this: (print “Enter number”) (setq number (read)) ;; <- note that … Read more

[Solved] I have a Java String, i need to extract only the first digits from it. for example the String: “2 fishes 3” I want to get only: “2”

This should work 🙂 String num1 = mEtfirst.getText().toString(); char[] temp = num1.toCharArray(); int i=0; num1=””; while(Character.isDigit(temp[i])) num1=num1+Character.toString(temp[i++]); This converts the string to a character array, checks the array character by character, and stores it in num1 until a non-digit character is encountered. Edit: Also, if you want to convert num1 to an integer, use: num1=Integer.parseInt(num1); … Read more

[Solved] Using of if else statement

You in the right direction: Intent intent; if (etOp == 11) { intent = new Intent(this, AnotherActivity.class); } else { intent = new Intent(this, ThirdActivity.class); } startActivity(intent); 2 solved Using of if else statement

[Solved] Invalid argument supplied for foreach with code

Lots of questions regarding this sort of error. First its a warning not an error so your code will continue to work just fine. You can suppress by using error_reporting(E_ERROR) which will only show errors that are fatal. Otherwise in your code if you dont want to see this error you need to do something … Read more

[Solved] Echoing an multidimensional array

You can try this – $products = array( array (“08:10”, “10:30”, “13:15”), array (“GSÖ2B2U”, “VSH2B2U”, “FOR2B2U”), array (“GUS”, “GJG”, “GRL”) ); $new= array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($products); $i++) { $new[] = array_column($products, $i); } foreach($new as $vals) { echo implode(‘ ‘, $vals) . ‘<br>’; } Output 08:10 GSÖ2B2U GUS<br> 10:30 VSH2B2U GJG<br> … Read more

[Solved] T-SQL | SQL-Server Pivot [closed]

Try: select Agent, max(case when `desc` = ‘Total’ then ColValue else 0 end) Total, max(case when `desc` = ‘Replaced’ then ColValue else 0 end) Replaced from tbl group by Agent Demo sqlfiddle 1 solved T-SQL | SQL-Server Pivot [closed]

[Solved] C Programming with loops for exam

Your program should be #include <stdio.h> /* Readability is important. So, indent your code */ /* Notice how I corrected your code and also made it more readable */ int main(void){ int even = 0; int odd = 0; int x = 0; /* Initialize x */ /* int num; Unused variable */ while(x <= … Read more

[Solved] Interval range insert with split into unique ranges

in the actual code there is a differentiation between old interval ranges and new ranges after applying certain operation those ranges would be merged together. I wanted to split the question into smaller chunk so the merging part is left out. Solely: It is easier to merge in the new interval directly, instead of artificially … Read more

[Solved] How can i replace text in html using jquery?

I guess this is what you want. $(window).on(‘resize’, function() { var width = $(window).outerWidth(); if (width < 600) { $(“.slider-responsive”).attr(“uk-slideshow”, “ratio: 7:3;animation:push”); } else { $(“.slider-responsive”).attr(“uk-slideshow”, “ratio: 7:6;animation:push”); } }); 3 solved How can i replace text in html using jquery?