[Solved] How to use JQuery in MVC Asp.net

The main use of that code is to create an Ajax request that will not cause your page to load or refresh. Furthermore, it will be managed asynchronically. In other words, you can send a request to the server and process the response without the need to reload. url: VirualURL + “/Register/ValidatePromRep” This URL will … Read more

[Solved] How to use regular expression replacement string [closed]

var str=”@username(123) test@username2(234) test” document.write(str.replace(/@(\w+?)\((\d+?)\)/g, ‘<a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16208629/localhost/home/userid=”>$1</a>’)); // Result: <a href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16208629/localhost/home/userid=123″>username</a> test<a href=”localhost/home/userid=234″>username2</a> test solved How to use regular expression replacement string [closed]

[Solved] set image resources in imageview in android [closed]

Answered based on Comments Try this Place your images in res/drawable folder and then <ImageView android:layout_width=”wrap_content” android:layout_height=”wrap_content” android:src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16273537/@drawable/rectangle” /> <– your image in drawable solved set image resources in imageview in android [closed]

[Solved] Error in this python code [closed]

Fix your indentation and add a colon after each if-statement as the following and change user_input == input(‘:’) to user_input = input(‘:’): while True: print (“Options”) print (“Write ‘Quit’ if you want to exit”) print (“Write ‘+’if you want to make an addition”) print (“Write ‘-‘ if you want to make a sottration”) print (“Write … Read more

[Solved] Getting error “Incorrect syntax near ‘,'”

You are appending mainmenu.tbxSelected whereas I suspect that your intention was to append mainmenu.tbxSelected.Text The former would probably result in a fully qualified typename in your WHERE clause, which would contain commas. As an aside, you should be aware that constructing SQL in this way leaves you potentially open to SQL Injection attacks. If that’s … Read more

[Solved] understanding syntax of boolean Graphics.drawImage()

The drawImage() methods returns a boolean. Many people don’t realize this, since the return value of drawImage() is often ignored. However, that boolean tells you whether or not the image was drawn successfully. If it was, drawImage() returns true. Otherwise drawImage() returns false. 3 solved understanding syntax of boolean Graphics.drawImage()

[Solved] How I can do this query?

You can try this query SELECT t1.name, t2.login AS added_by, t3.login AS edited_by FROM table1 t1 INNER JOIN table2 t2 ON(t1.added_by=t2.id) INNER JOIN table2 t3 ON(t1.edited_by=t3.id) solved How I can do this query?

[Solved] I Want to pull a result from a Pickerview and put it in a label in another view controller in xcode with swift 3 [closed]

Basic Step: 1) Get value from Picker : => use below datasource method func pickerView(pickerView: UIPickerView, didSelectRow row: Int, inComponent component: Int) { // use the row to get the selected row from the picker view // using the row extract the value from your datasource (array[row]) // Put code for add value on UILabel … Read more

[Solved] Generating random number between 4 ints [closed]

If those ranges are inclusive, you have (r1b-r1a+1)+(r2b-r2a+1) numbers to choose from. Use rand (or a better random number library) to pick a non-negative integer up to (r1b-r1a+1)+(r2b-r2a+1) (exclusive), then map that result back onto the ranges. int pick = rand() % ((r1b-r1a+1)+(r2b-r2a+1)); pick += ( pick < (r1b-r1a+1) ) ? r1a : r2a; Assumptions: … Read more

[Solved] How to get the value of string in c# from a testmethod In C# [closed]

To pass a value from MyFirstTest to RunLookupMyString, you should modify the RunLookupMyString method to take the type of argument you want to pass. Then you can pass it by calling the method: [CodedUITest] public class ManyTests { [TestMethod] public string MyFirstTest() { string a = “AAA”; return RunLookupMyString(a); } } public static string RunLookupMyString(string … Read more

[Solved] class Boo():pass var1 = Boo var1.x = 4 How is this possible

Classes have a __dict__ by default, precisely for this purpose (run-time assignment and modification of attributes). Regular attribute assignment just puts the corresponding names and values values in there. It’s no different from setting it at class definition time, really: >>> class Boo: … x = 1 … >>> Boo.y = 2 >>> Boo.__dict__ mappingproxy({‘__dict__’: … Read more