[Solved] How to search object with the smallest value? [closed]

You need to take smaller than as condition and the numerical value, because you would compare strings., which goes wrong for ’40’ and ‘100’, for example. let intervals = [ { id: “1”, interval_start: “0”, interval_end: “40” }, { id: “2”, interval_start: “41”, interval_end: “65” }, { id: “3”, interval_start: “66”, interval_end: “80” }, { … Read more

[Solved] What is different between while(aPointer) and a if(aPointer) in C++? [closed]

In the first example, the loop runs until the pointer itself becomes null, which it never does (instead, it’s eventually incremented past the end of the buffer, whereupon the program exhibits undefined behavior). In the second example, the loop runs until the character pointed to becomes zero – which it does once the advancing pointer … Read more

[Solved] Java – Unable to access a HashMap within a HashMap

I’m not sure that I really understand your description of what you are doing, but this stands out: this.containers.put(this.currentHashMapKey, tempHashMap); // … tempHashMap.clear(); When you call clear(), you remove all entries from tempHashMap. Since this is the map object that you added as a value in the containers map, you are clearing it there as … Read more

[Solved] Getting a C++ program to write to a file [closed]

It sounds like you’re saying you’re printing numbers to stdout and they’re going off the screen. Since you’re using C++ you can replace cout in your output instructions with an ofstream (output file stream) like so: #include <fstream> // … ofstream outFile(“myNums.txt”); // … outFile << myNum; An easier way if you already have the … Read more

[Solved] jQuery Panel Auto Panel Swap

I’d start by separating out my animation logic from my event and timing logic. This keeps things a little simpler in that you can always activate the animation logic without having to depend on a click event, so something like this: var animatePanel = function(panelName,nextPanel){ // animation logic here }; $(‘.p-nav-nav’).on(‘click’, function(e) { var $this … Read more

[Solved] What function does a submit button call? [closed]

In Case your HTML Looks like this: <form id=”myform” name=”myform” action=”destination.html”> <input id=”sub_Button” type=”button” value=”clickme” onclick=”mySubmitFunction();” /> </form> Do you mean JavaScript? document.myform.submit(); Or JQuery? $(“#myform”).submit(); 1 solved What function does a submit button call? [closed]

[Solved] Does ccall really convert arguments passed by pointer?

This turned out to be either a bug in the core library or a very misguided documentation, depending on the perspective (issue #29850). The behavior of the function unsafe_convert changed from version 0.4 to 0.5, in a way that makes it more flexible than what is currently suggested. According to this commit, unsafe_convert changed from … Read more

[Solved] On the subject of delimiters

Assuming you’re talking about java.util.Scanner, the default delimiter is whitespace. Therefore, if you enter “14 45 20 16” on the command line and then pressed the enter key, the nextInt or next call on the scanner instance would return 14. If you then call nextInt on scanner again, you get no prompting; that would immediately … Read more

[Solved] How to hide a value in Python? (display it as a *) [closed]

This should be enough code to get you started. You just need a flag to determine whether a number should be hidden or not: grid = [ [{“number”: 1, “hidden”: True}, {“number”: 5, “hidden”: False}, {“number”: 8, “hidden”: True}], [{“number”: 3, “hidden”: True}, {“number”: 2, “hidden”: True}, {“number”: 4, “hidden”: False}], [{“number”: 9, “hidden”: True}, … Read more

[Solved] PHP inheritance constructor function didn’t work

You need to update __construct function of constractemp class for then call parent::__construct to set first and last name. <?php class baseemp { protected $firstname; protected $lastname; public function getfullname() { return $this->firstname .”. $this->lastname; } public function __construct($first,$last) { $this->firstname=”$first”; $this->lastname=”$last”; } } class fulltimeemp extends baseemp { public $monthlysal; public function monthlysalary() { … Read more

[Solved] Python–always get “must be str not int”

It is hard to tell what you want, but based on your edits it looks like you are trying to do something like this: replys = [] while True: reply = input(‘Enter text, [type “stop” to quit]: ‘) print(reply) if reply == ‘stop’ or reply == ‘ ‘: print(” “.join(replys)) break replys.append(reply) 1 solved Python–always … Read more