[Solved] Read from mixed data file add items to string array and two-dimensional int array C++ [closed]

int size = 0;
while(size < MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH && // prevent overflow. 
                                 // Will stop here if out of space in array
                                 // otherwise && (logical AND) will require the following be true 
      file >> months[size] // read in month 
           >> temps[size][0] // read in first temp
           >> temps[size][1]) // read in second temp 
{ // if the month and both temperatures were successfully read, enter the loop

MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH is a constant defining the maximum number of months that can be placed in the arrays.

>> returns a reference to the stream being read so you can chain the operations together and take advantage of the stream’s operator bool when done reading. operator bool will return true if the stream is still in a good state.

The logic looks like

if array has room
    read all required data from stream
    if all data read
        increment size
        go to loop.

You may want a test after end of the loop to make sure all of the data was read. If you’re reading to the end of the file, something like if (file.eof()) will make sure the whole file was read. If you want a year’s worth of data, if (size == ONE_YEAR) where ONE_YEAR is a constant defining the number of months in a year.


solved Read from mixed data file add items to string array and two-dimensional int array C++ [closed]