[Solved] How is this specific design effect achieved? [closed]

CSS Triangles. CSS .arrow-down { width: 0; height: 0; border-left: 20px solid transparent; border-right: 20px solid transparent; border-top: 20px solid #f00; } HTML <div class=”arrow-down”></div> Resource More info can be found here 1 solved How is this specific design effect achieved? [closed]

[Solved] Equivalent Kotlin code to my F# functional code [closed]

The main problem I found was finding an equivalent operator to the pipeOperator|>, then i found three potential alternatives: using .let using .run using infix function Below example was good startup for me to solve my issue: fun main(args: Array<String>) { var a = 3 val b: Int = 6 println(“Hello World! doubling, then tripling … Read more

[Solved] System.exit(0) Is not working [duplicate]

if (t <0 && t>11) System.exit(0); A number can’t be smaller than 0 and bigger than 11 at the same point in time. Or to be precise: the numerical types that Java support don’t allow for that. In that sense, you probably meant: if (numberFromUser < 0 || numberFromUser > 11) { System.out.println(“number ” + … Read more

[Solved] Bitwise shift operation choice

The reason it works this way is because C and C++ used << for left shift and >> for right shift long before Java. Those languages have both signed and unsigned types, and for signed types the sign bit was propagated in the right-shift case. Java does not have unsigned types, so they kept the … Read more

[Solved] How to check in Java whether the input Sentence is of palindrome(not exactly, but like that) in nature or not?

First take the words of str in an array. Then check whether the words in the forward order and the reverse order are same. String[] words = str.split(” “); //splits at spaces boolean flag = true; int i, last = words.length – 1; for(i = 0; i <= last/2; i++){ if(!words[i].equalsIgnoreCase(words[last – i])){ flag = … Read more

[Solved] C++ How to make a vector with a class type pointer

It seems that you want to change the database type, from: std::vector <Employee> *EmployeeDB; this is a pointer to a vector, holding Employee instances. This means that the vector contains copies of employees, probably not what you want. To: std::vector <Employee*> EmployeeDB; This is a vector instance, holding pointers to Employees. You also should take … Read more

[Solved] pip install pyaudio error cl.exe failed

Prebuilt wheels of PyAudio are currently available for Python 2.7 and 3.4-3.6. If you don’t want to use Python 3.6 and want to install PyAudio in 3.7 you have to compile and install PortAudio and PyAudio from sources. See the instructions at http://portaudio.com/docs/v19-doxydocs/tutorial_start.html https://smaudet.wordpress.com/2014/01/26/building-pyaudio-on-windows-7-x64-using-the-free-msvc-toolchains/ solved pip install pyaudio error cl.exe failed

[Solved] How to use element of list as object for a class?

It would work by putting players into a dict: class Character(object): def __init__(self): self.NAME = ” self.life = 50 players = [“red”,”green”,”blue”,”yellow”] dict_players = {} for player in players: dict_players[player] = Character() However, printing would only work if you create a __str__ method for your class. solved How to use element of list as object … Read more

[Solved] MYSQL error Unknown column in ‘having clause’

finally I found the solution, rename the variable date and change it in the sentence having. SELECT creditos.NombreCliente, creditos.Contrato, creditos.Rut, creditos.lIdtplCabezaCotiza, creditos.FechaPagare, creditos.FechaCurse, creditos.FechaVcto1, creditos.FechaVcto2, creditos.FormaPago, creditos.EstadoMandato, REPLACE (CuentaCorriente, ‘,’, ‘.’) AS CuentaCorriente, creditos.Sucursal, creditos.cFyI, creditos.FechaUltimoPago, estado_creditos_banco.`Fecha ActivaciĆ³n` AS FechaActivacion, estado_creditos_banco.`Detalle de Rechazo` AS DetalleRechazo, MAX( estado_creditos_banco.`Fecha RecepciĆ³n CCA` ) as fecha, estado_activos_banco.Observaciones, estado_creditos_banco.`Estado General` … Read more

[Solved] why the following code gives the first mobile no. irrespective of name

You cannot compare strings using = (or even by ==, for that matter) operator. You need to use strcmp() for that. In your code, inside mobileno() function, if( s=”katrina” ) is essentially trying to assign the base address of the string literal “katrina” to s. It is nowhere near a comparison. That said, Never use … Read more

[Solved] Convert string to rubbish

If you want a function that will return the same garbage for the same input string, this would work fine. public String rubbish(String input) { String result = “”; long seed = 0; long size = 0; for(int i = 0; i < input.length(); i ++) { seed += input.charAt(i); } seed %= Long.MAX_VALUE; size … Read more