[Solved] 2.5D engine on Android? [closed]

Like Wikipedia states, you can either render 2D images on the screen giving the effect of a 3D world. For this I would suggest you have a look at the SurfaceView class on the Android developer site as well as having a look at this Android Game Dev. link If you prefer to rather create … Read more

[Solved] Click on button in MainActivity and go to screen on MainActivity2 [closed]

In your onCreate method, you should do something like this: @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); Button btn = findViewById(R.id.your_button_id); btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this, MainActivity2.class)); } } } The your_button_id is the ID of the button in your MainActivity and the code above tells the … Read more

[Solved] I cant get the min or the max of a tuple

# omitted part try: price = list(input(“Enter the price of the sweet: “)) except ValueError: print(“Enter an integer”) Here you change str applying list to it. For example, read_value=”1234″ list(read_value) Out: [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’] # type: list of str To fix this issue, use int: # omitted part try: price = int(input(“Enter the price … Read more

[Solved] In c++, why is cout is so important?

Method 2: Just change the position of: int num[n]; #include using namespace std; int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { // method 1: int n; cout << “Enter a set of integers: “<< endl; cin >> n; int num[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cin >> num[i]; } cout … Read more

[Solved] Rainbow Array on Python

Here is a basic example. rainbow = [‘Program Ended’, ‘Red’, ‘Orange’, ‘Yellow’, ‘Green’, ‘Blue’, ‘Indigo’] user_input = int(input(“Please select a number between 1 and 6: “)) if user_input > 0 and user_input < 7: print(rainbow[user_input]) else: print(“Program ended”) To capture a user’s input, you simply invoke: input() function. To access an array, you can do … Read more

[Solved] creating an object outside main and user defined method scope gives “Exception in thread “main” java.lang.StackOverflowError” [closed]

Remove the line Sample obj3 = new Sample(); because that will result in an endless loop (creating an instance of Sample while during the creation of an instance of Sample), causing your StackOverflowError. And please dont post code as an image. 4 solved creating an object outside main and user defined method scope gives “Exception … Read more

[Solved] Need help, got stuck with the python code [closed]

Something like this, where repetitive code is avoided and some error handling for user input: (Plus, you math was a little off, since 50,000, 100,000, and 200,000 are not being handled at all, example: (cost) < 50000 and (cost) > 50001 leaves 50,000 as a gap, since it is neither less than 50,000 or greater … Read more

[Solved] Why do I receive syntax error at n in the line If n % i? [closed]

Correct Code: def prime_chk(upper): print(“Prime numbers between”,0,”and”,upper,”are:”) for num in range(0,upper + 1): # prime numbers are greater than 1 if num > 1: for i in range(2,num): if (num % i) == 0: break else: print(‘Well done! You have found a prime : ‘,num ) n = int(input(‘Number to be checked:’)) prime_chk(n) solved Why … Read more

[Solved] Query data in database to show posts

Laravel Blade allows to use a helpful set of variable like Loop Variable When looping, a $loop variable will be available inside of your loop. This variable provides access to some useful bits of information such as the current loop index and whether this is the first or last iteration through the loop: @foreach($news as … Read more

[Solved] Getting undefined value of objects array

This line is probably not what you intended: const data = [{}]; That is starting off the array as an array containing one object with no properties. You’re pushing more items in there, but the original empty object is still going to be there. You’re most likely having that come out as your top item … Read more