[Solved] Object Array Initialization [duplicate]

Variables and array elements are all references to objects. They are not the actual objects. To illustrate, I’ll “name” actual objects using a number scheme, e.g. #1 is the first object. Your code runs as follows: Class is initialized by the JVM, and root1, root2, and root3 are all null. Node root[]={root1,root2,root3} is executed and … Read more

[Solved] VBA scripting for MS excel

I think this is what you meant, the following code loops through all rows with data, and for each row checks if the word “man” is inside that strings (using the Instr function). Sub FindMan() Dim FindString As String Dim Sht As Worksheet Dim LastRow As Long Dim lRow As Long ‘ modify “Sheet1” to … Read more

[Solved] Swapping two strings in C++

What does the arguments (char * &str1, char * &str2) specify in the swap function? they specify that parameters are of type reference to pointer to char. This means that function might change the value of the variable that was provided as argument to this function. What if they are replaced by (char &str1, char … Read more

[Solved] NullPointerException When trying to get string element from array

I just tested your code. Its working fine. no error I am getting output PC public class StackOverFlow { public static String[] CONSOLES = { “PC”, “PS4”, “XBOX ONE”, “PS VITA” }; public static void main(String arg[]){ System.out.println(getConsoleName(0)); } public static String getConsoleName(int ID) { String rtext = “unknown”; try { rtext = CONSOLES[ID]; } … Read more

[Solved] New to C#, can anyone explain to me how enums and setting variables for enums works? [closed]

An enum is basically a special type that lets you define named values. You’re creating a named type just as you would if you were defining a class. What your code is actually doing is first defining your enumerated type called States with all the possible named values, then declaring a variable “myState” using the … Read more

[Solved] Changing value of a variable on OnClick Android

Try This void test() { if(number<1) { number = 1; } Log.e(“number value : “,String.valueOf(number)); btn1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { if(number == 1) { number=2; Log.e(“Button 1 number value : “,String.valueOf(number)); } } }); btn2.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { if(number == 2) { number=1; Log.e(“Button 2 number … Read more

[Solved] How to echo values from this array? [duplicate]

You can foreach to loop through all item and call in the array like: foreach($yourArray as $item) { echo $item->label; echo $item->file; } Or you can be using json_decode to cast your object to the array. $result = json_decode($data, true); 2 solved How to echo values from this array? [duplicate]

[Solved] How to invert a word? [closed]

You can use StringBuffer or StringBuilder for this task, StringBuilder would be my choice since its more efficient. its not thread safe so multiple threads can call its methods simultaneously. String reversedString = new StringBuilder(originalString).reverse().toString() If you prefer not to use API support you can do something like this static String reverse(String stringIn) { char[] … Read more

[Solved] Reassign reference returned by a method

It’s simply how Java is specified. From JLS Sec 15.26, the grammar of the assignment is given by: Assignment: LeftHandSide AssignmentOperator Expression LeftHandSide: ExpressionName FieldAccess ArrayAccess So the LHS has to be either a variable, a field or an array element. Anything else is invalid syntax. The reason why you can’t reassign a method’s return … Read more

[Solved] The best way to get images from a webpage to display on a android app image view? [closed]

Picasso allows for hassle-free image loading in your application—often in one line of code. Picasso.with(context).load(“http://i.imgur.com/DvpvklR.png”).into(imageView); Glide, An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling. Glide.with(this).load(“http://i.imgur.com/DvpvklR.png”).into(imageView); 1 solved The best way to get images from a webpage to display on a android app image view? [closed]

[Solved] No operator “==” matches these operands for sf::RectangleShape

There is no equality operator defined for the sf::RectangleShape class. You will need to create one, and decide on exactly what properties determine equality. Perhaps size and position are what you care about. So you could define the following function: bool operator==( const sf::RectangleShape & a, const sf::RectangleShape & b ) { return a.getSize() == … Read more