[Solved] write a regular expression expression for the set of strings over alphabet {a,b,c) containing at least one a and at least one b [closed]

write a regular expression expression for the set of strings over alphabet {a,b,c) containing at least one a and at least one b [closed] solved write a regular expression expression for the set of strings over alphabet {a,b,c) containing at least one a and at least one b [closed]

[Solved] extract json data in php and print it [closed]

This is the way to do it from PHP to javascript: var ar = JSON.parse( ‘<?php echo json_encode($array) ?>’ ); //ar[1][‘MemberData’]; //first memberdata value console.log(ar[1][‘MemberData’].value); and from javascript to php you need to use ajax jQuery.ajax({ type: “POST”, url: ‘xxxxxxx’, dataType: ‘json’, data: {array:array, //here you can pass the verified value of the array or … Read more

[Solved] How to print the codes in python? [duplicate]

The easiest way to print the lines of codes is through the use of the built-in functions. print open(__file__).read() Or you could just write the code in string mode and simply print them. However that obviously won’t be executable codes anymore once written in quotation marks. solved How to print the codes in python? [duplicate]

[Solved] PHP quote within 2 different quotes [closed]

You can create a single quote using chr(39) and append it to the string. You should also escape the contents of $gname mysqli_query($con,”SELECT * FROM wp_games WHERE name = ” . chr(39) . mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $gname) . chr(39)); 2 solved PHP quote within 2 different quotes [closed]

[Solved] Getting a Row in PHP [closed]

Remember, that mysql_query returns query resource handler, not result. You must call mysql_fetch_assoc($queryResource) to get the results. In your example: //-select the database to use $mydb=mysql_select_db(“TABLE”); //-query the database table $sql=”select * from Contacts where `Email`= ‘$email_user'”; //-run the query against the mysql query function $queryResource=mysql_query($sql); $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryResource); if ($result){ echo “Hello your ID … Read more

[Solved] From js to script [closed]

Please add JQuery library file.. <script src=”http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js”></script> This code related to JQuery so without JQuery library we can not run this code. solved From js to script [closed]

[Solved] unexpected type; required: variable; found: value

Change this line. if(yearPublished=0&monthPublished=0){ return (“Published: “+”invalid number”); to if(yearPublished == 0 && monthPublished == 0){ return (“Published: “+”invalid number”); I imagine you are now getting your second, unreachable return, error due to you having an else statement above this block of code, which is called when your conditions in your if-else if loops are … Read more

[Solved] Compare 2 Numbers in Java

You can use the doubleValue() method on both numbers and then compare the double values. If you need a higher precision for integers, you can implement this as sepcial case. If you have objects that are not an instance of Number (e.g. Object or String containing a “number”), then you should throw all your code … Read more

[Solved] Why it is happening? java [closed]

Basically, time is a repeating Swing Timer which never stops This means that while counter2 is equal to 6…. if (counter2 == 6) { start1.dispose(); buildStart2(); //setVisible(true); } It will create, yet, another frame… I would suggest… Stopping the timer when you no longer need it… Not using multiple frames, see The Use of Multiple … Read more

[Solved] if statement with $_GET[‘part’]

Wouldn’t this be easier? <?php switch ($_GET[‘part’])) { case ‘1’: ## part 1 ## Some content break; case ‘2’: ## part 2 ## Some content break; case ‘3’: ## Part 3 ## Some content break; default: header(‘Location: index.php?part=1′); } ?> 2 solved if statement with $_GET[‘part’]

[Solved] Can you someone explain to me this code? [closed]

22, in binary 0000000000010110 225, in binary 0000000011100001 222, in binary 0000000011011110 | is binary OR operator: The binary OR operation has two inputs and one output. It is like the ADD operation which takes two arguments (two inputs) and produces one result (one output). A B C 0 OR 0 -> 0 0 OR … Read more