[Solved] C# array string names change content order

First, let’s elaborate rules: One part “John” -> “John” (do nothing) Two parts “John Smith” -> “Smith, John” (last, first) Three+ parts “John Peter Jack Smith” -> “Smith, John P. J.” (last, first, other in order as single letters) Having these rules we can implement a simple reordering: private static String ReOrderNamesParts(string name) { if … Read more

[Solved] How to get multiple regex matches c#

Introduction Regex (Regular Expressions) is a powerful tool for searching and manipulating text. It is often used to find and replace patterns in strings, but it can also be used to extract multiple matches from a single string. In this article, we will discuss how to use Regex in C# to get multiple matches from … Read more

[Solved] Inputing using Scanner class

Your first understanding is wrong. what i understood from my past experiences is .nextInt() or .nextDouble() would keep on searching until the integer or the double is found in the same or the next line it doesn’t matter nextInt() and nextDouble() waits for the integer and double respectively. If it gets string instead of it’s … Read more

[Solved] Rendering SVG into HTML element

Create a div in your html, set an id for it, get the element created by ID, append the child content into the new div. var chatInProgressText = “<svg id=’Layer_4′ data-name=”Layer 4″ xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg” viewBox=’0 0 30 30′>\n <defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#474747;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}</style></defs>\n <title>chat-live-icon</title>\n <path class=”cls-1″ d=’M15.08,0C6.76,0,0,5.17,0,11.51,0,17.14,5.42,22,12.65,22.88L11.77,27a1.16,1.16,0,0,0,.43,1,1.14,1.14,0,0,0,.71.24,1.3,1.3,0,0,0,.35,0l.1,0c1.86-.76,4.91-4.15,6.2-5.65,6.35-1.5,10.6-5.91,10.6-11C30.15,5.17,23.39,0,15.08,0Z’/><path class=”cls-2″ d=’M19.08,20.85a1.44,1.44,0,0,0-.78.47,37.25,37.25,0,0,1-4.53,4.56L14.4,23a1.48,1.48,0,0,0-.24-1.18,1.5,1.5,0,0,0-1.05-.61c-6.48-.71-11.37-4.87-11.37-9.68,0-5.4,6-9.79,13.35-9.79s13.35,4.39,13.35,9.79C28.43,15.81,24.67,19.56,19.08,20.85Z’/><circle class=”cls-1″ cx=’8.14′ cy=’11.79′ r=”2″/><circle class=”cls-1″ cx=’15.14′ cy=’11.79′ r=”2″/><circle class=”cls-1″ cx=’22.14′ cy=’11.79′ … Read more

[Solved] In char x[10]=”hello” , why cout

It prints “Hello” because operator << has an overload for const char* (which is what you’re passing if you pass x) that prints out a single char and moves to the next char until a NUL-character is found. “Hello” has a compiled-added NUL-character at the end, so your string is actually “Hello\0”. To get the … Read more

[Solved] Counting how many times a value occurs in a json file [closed]

from collections import Counter import json from pprint import pprint with open(‘logs.txt’) as infile: data = (json.loads(line) for line in infile) counter = Counter((row[‘type’], row[‘key’]) for row in data) pprint(dict(counter)) Output: {(u’REVERSEGEOCODE’, u’04track12netics2015′): 5, (u’REVERSEGEOCODE’, u’fpOgtLY1ZF22m3va4FLkU52tsLmpaNyo’): 1, (u’SEARCH’, u’fpOgtLY1ZF22m3va4FLkU52tsLmpaNyo’): 1, (u’TILE’, u’CxIQlYBhwykcIxtYwrrbltCDiJ4xUxfN’): 3, (u’TILE’, u’fpOgtLY1ZF22m3va4FLkU52tsLmpaNyo’): 4} 1 solved Counting how many times a value occurs … Read more

[Solved] toggle function not working with jquery 1.9 [duplicate]

from jquery 1.9 docs .toggle(function, function, … ) removed This is the “click an element to run the specified functions” signature of .toggle(). It should not be confused with the “change the visibility of an element” of .toggle() which is not deprecated. The former is being removed to reduce confusion and improve the potential for … Read more

[Solved] Using for each to toggle checkboxes stopped working

There used to be a for each in in JS 1.6 and there is recently an array.foreach But I suggest you use a for loop like this since you have a collection function toggle(source) { var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName(‘foo[]’); for (var i=0;i<checkboxes.length;i++) { checkboxes[i].checked = source.checked; } } 3 solved Using for each to toggle … Read more

[Solved] PHP divide 2 values & echo 1 divided value [closed]

While this is a too basic question, here’s a possible solution. You only have to check the second variable, the first one is okay even if it’s 0: <?php $result = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM high ORDER BY Runecraftlvl DESC LIMIT 20”); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo ($row[‘deaths’] != 0) ? $row[‘kills’] / $row[‘deaths’] : ‘-‘; … Read more

[Solved] How to update a UITableView that after NSUserdefaults settings have been changed? [closed]

It is kind a best way to reload your table. if you want to reload one row(or more), you can use [self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths: withRowAnimation:]; if you want to do multiple inserts or delete you can use [self.tableView beginUpdates]; [self.tableView endUpdates]; [self.tableView reloadData]; reload everything…redisplays visible rows, reloads data. solved How to update a UITableView that … Read more

[Solved] Using ProgressBar for specific time [closed]

Maybe you want something like this: public void AnimateProgBar (int milliSeconds) { if (!timer1.Enabled) { progressBar1.Value = 0; timer1.Interval = milliSeconds / 100; timer1.Enabled = true; } } private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (progressBar1.Value < 100) { progressBar1.Value += 1; progressBar1.Refresh(); } else { timer1.Enabled = false; } } Then you just … Read more