[Solved] Creating 3D software C++ [closed]

You can check out this tutorial: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/20286/GLUI-Window-Template#_articleTop or You can look at mine I did for a school project. https://github.com/sitting-duck/stuff/tree/master/School%20-%20Comp%20Sci/Computer%20Animation%20-%20Fall%202014/Assn1%20-%20Transformations/assn1%20redo/assn1 In this version I just use key bindings to initiate the transformations. Will be easier than making a GUI, so I did that first to learn how to get the transformation code all working, when … Read more

[Solved] How can I get time for each name

The variable dateBirth is static. This means that whenever it is changed on one person, it is changed on all of the other people as well. The last person has a date of birth of May 23, 1968, so, since it is the last time the variable is changed, that is what all of the … Read more

[Solved] C++ how to print union name integer [closed]

As already mentioned, you cannot somehow “build” some string at run time and use it as variable name. This is a compile time mechanism, and even if this was a compile time problem, it would be a bad idea. You most likely want std::vector<int> nx(someLength); std::vector<int> ny(someLenght); int value = 5; cerr << nx[value] << … Read more

[Solved] Why the method in some class I created, ask me for input “self”? [closed]

You have to create an object of your class: class MyClass: def __init__(self,a=1,b=2): self.a=a self.b=b def function1(self): self.c=self.a/self.b + 5 return(self.c) print(MyClass().function1()) MyClass() creates an object that can be used to access attributes in the class. For a general instance: m = MyClass() print(m.function1()) 6 solved Why the method in some class I created, ask … Read more

[Solved] Add/get methods for lists of objects from different classes

The source code of Room is wrong. Basically, when you get or add something, you are creating a new room. Use the this qualifier to reference to the current room. public int getBedNumber(int i){ return this.beds.get(i).getNumber(); } public List<Bed> getList() { return this.beds; } public void add(Bed beds) { this.beds.add(beds); } 1 solved Add/get methods … Read more

[Solved] OpenCV: How do I make a Mat colorized where the Mask is white

I tried switching out and frame in and using frame.copyTo(out, mask) instead of Core.bitwise_and(frame, mask, out) It worked!! Here is my final code: // frame is input, out is output Scalar minValues = new Scalar(RFrom, GFrom, BFrom); Scalar maxValues = new Scalar(RTo, GTo, BTo); Mat mask = new Mat(); Core.inRange(frame, minValues, maxValues, mask); frame.copyTo(out, mask); … Read more

[Solved] Stop Javascript function from firing onload?

The reason showmailingPopUp isn’t working with onclick is because it cannot find it. It should either be defined before in a script tag or in JavaScript binding with an event listener. Here is a solution using JavaScript (adding an event listener to an element so the function will call correctly): function showMailingPopUp() { require( [“mojo/signup-forms/Loader”], … Read more

[Solved] Receive json in android

JSONArray json = new JSONArray(result); First calculate the length of the array! int len=json.length(); String[] str=new String[len]; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { str[i]=json.get(i).toString(); } First add a spinner to your activity Spinner s=(Spinner)findViewById(R.id.Spinner); ArrayAdapter adapter=new ArrayAdapter(this,android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item,str); s.setAdapter(adapter); solved Receive json in android

[Solved] Index slice within Main func when using setGrade()

Introduction Index slice within Main func when using setGrade() is a common problem encountered when working with arrays in programming. It can be solved by using a combination of indexing and slicing techniques. Indexing is used to access individual elements of an array, while slicing is used to access a range of elements. By combining … Read more

[Solved] What does Collections.shuffle function do

Introduction The Collections.shuffle function is a powerful tool in Java that allows you to randomly rearrange the elements of a collection. This can be useful for a variety of tasks, such as shuffling a deck of cards, randomly selecting elements from a list, or randomly generating numbers. The Collections.shuffle function is easy to use and … Read more