[Solved] Deleting Duplicates EXCEL VBA Macro

This should work for you: Sub DeleteDuplicates() Dim lRow As Long Dim i, j, k As Integer Dim Duplicates() As Integer Dim sht As Worksheet Dim Val1, Val2 As String Set sht = Worksheets(“Sheet1”) lRow = sht.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row Index = 0 For i = 7 To lRow Val1 = sht.Cells(i, 1).Value Index = 0 For … Read more

[Solved] Why should I use pointers? C++

A pointer is an address of a variable. Imagine ram as consecutive boxes. Each box has an address. Now in your example. int a = 8; //declares a variable of type int and initializes it with value 8 int *p1; //p1 is a pointer meaning that the variable p1 holds an address instead of a … Read more

[Solved] Parsing webpages to extract contents

Suggested readings Static pages: java.net.URLConnection and java.net.HttpURLConnection jsoup – HTML parser and content manipulation library Mind you, many of the pages will create content dynamically using JavaScript after loading. For such a case, the ‘static page’ approach won’t help, you will need to search for tools in the “Web automation” category.Selenium is such a toolset. … Read more

[Solved] Angular 2 *ngFor does not print to table , I am getting my information from a GET HTTP call and it works

you can use async pipe, you dont have to subscribe to your Observable, component.ts: export class FormationsComponent { formations: Observable<Formation[]>; constructor(private formationService: FormationService){}; ngOnInit() { this.formations = this.formationService.getFormations(); } } and in your html file <tr *ngFor=”let formation of formations | async” > 0 solved Angular 2 *ngFor does not print to table , I … Read more

[Solved] My ListView is null and i don’t get why

Introduction If you are having trouble understanding why your ListView is null, you are not alone. Many developers have encountered this issue and have had difficulty resolving it. This article will provide an overview of the common causes of a null ListView and provide some tips on how to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. We … Read more

[Solved] Given a string of html, how would i search and highlight a word?

This will highlight the first p element but if you have more than one it would be better to use an ID and find it by getElementById p = document.getElementsByTagName(‘p’); p[0].style.background= ‘yellow’ “<html> <body> <p style=”width:30px;”>Test</p> </body> </html>” 1 solved Given a string of html, how would i search and highlight a word?