[Solved] What is the point of abstract classes, when you could just do an interface [duplicate]

A few points to consider: Interfaces didn’t have default methods until Java 8. That a in your interface is implicitly final. Interfaces can’t define public mutable fields. Interfaces can’t define private (or protected, or package) fields. Interfaces can’t have protected or package methods; they couldn’t have private methods until Java 9. Abstract classes don’t have … Read more

[Solved] How to put search box in the database table using PHP and Mysql

There are a few things you will need to know to be able to do this. Firstly the security bit… Basically you want to never trust data that is submitted to your application. When accepting data for use in a MySQL statement, you could use PHP’s built in escape functions for MySQL. ref: http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.real-escape-string.php You … Read more

[Solved] Radio Button go to another file on Submit

Here’s some high level code that might help. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # Use functions from CGI.pm to make your life easier use CGI qw[header redirect param]; # Hash containing valid redirection values. my %valid_redirects = map { $_ => 1 } qw[process calendar location users find]; # Get the chosen option my $option … Read more

[Solved] ReactiveForm for dynamically updated form entries

If you use ReactiveForm, you need use a FormArray A FormArray can be of FormControl or a FormGroup FormArray of FormControls constructor(private fb:FormBuilder) {} ngOnInit() { //We create an array of FormControl, each question a FormControl let data:FormControl[]=this.questions.map(q=>new FormControl()); this.myform=this.fb.group({ questions:new FormArray(data) }) } //the .html <!–we use *ngIf to show the form only when … Read more

[Solved] how to use a while loop in my python code

You could modify the code from the HandlingExceptions – Python Wiki: def collatz(number): if number % 2 == 0: print(number // 2) return number // 2 elif number % 2 == 1: print(3 * number + 1) return 3 * number + 1 has_input_int_number = False while has_input_int_number == False: try: # try to convert … Read more

[Solved] Program stopped working, when tried to run

You have your main problem here. double *tabT1; double *tabT2; tabT1[0]=1; tabT1[1]=tabX[j]*(-1); tabT2[0]=1; tabT2[1]=tabX[i]*(-1); You haven’t allocated the memory, instead, you have just declared the double ptrs tabT1 and tabT2 and accessing them by pretending you have allocated. double *tabT1 = new double[2]; double *tabT2 = new double[2]; will fix this, however, I strongly suggest … Read more

[Solved] Android send sms in Dual SIM Phone

Try the following method where simIndex is 0 for sim1 and 1 for sim2: public void sendSMS(final String number,final String text) { final PendingIntent localPendingIntent1 = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, new Intent(this.SENT), 0); final PendingIntent localPendingIntent2 = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mContext, 0, new Intent(this.DELIVERED), 0); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 22) { SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager=((Activity)mContext).getSystemService(SubscriptionManager.class); SubscriptionInfo subscriptionInfo=subscriptionManager.getActiveSubscriptionInfoForSimSlotIndex(simIndex); SmsManager.getSmsManagerForSubscriptionId(subscriptionInfo.getSubscriptionId()).sendTextMessage(number, null, text, localPendingIntent1, localPendingIntent2); } … Read more

[Solved] Null Point exception

The code isn’t being executed because your if (instance != null) statement isn’t true. If you want that code to run, and you don’t want to have a NullPointerException then initialise whichever variable is null (i.e. give it a value). At that point you can remove the null check as well as it will no … Read more

[Solved] Is it complusory to use “in” keyword in closure? If no then what is the syntax wise difference between closure and computed property in swift?

greet is a closure. A computed property is var greet : Int { return 4+3 } greet // without parentheses And “in” in closure is also not compulsory if a parameter is passed (by the way the return keyword is not compulsory) var greet = { x in 4+x } greet(4) unless you use the … Read more

[Solved] Count IP addresses

If you need to convert an IP to a range, you’ll need a function that converts an IPv4 value to an integer, then do math on those: require ‘ipaddr’ def ip(string) IPAddr.new(string).to_i end def parse_ip(string) string.split(/\s+\-\s+/).collect { |v| ip(v) } end def ip_range(string) ips = parse_ip(string) ips.last – ips.first + 1 end ip_range(“ –”) … Read more