[Solved] In the below java program I didn’t understand flow of execution and about “this” keyword execution?

Your constructor prints one line, so : new This(); System.out.println(new This()); Here you call the constructor twice, and System.out.println() also prints a line, so you get three lines. Also, you are creating two distinct This objects. In your second example, the constructor is only called once, so you get only two lines. This example creates … Read more

[Solved] python error: unsupported operand type(s) for -: ‘str’ and ‘str’ [duplicate]

start_date and stop_date are strings, which don’t support the – operator. If you want to compute their (numerical) difference, define them as integers, i.e. start_date = 20151231171500 stop_date = 20151231174500 or cast them to int: test = int(stop_date) – int(start_date) Caveat: the difference of these numbers would be 3000, not 30. Not sure why you … Read more

[Solved] NSDictionary with swift [closed]

for group in data { let userNames = group.1.reduce(“username “, combine: { (current, userInfo) -> String in return “\(current), \(userInfo[“username”]!)” }) print(“\(group.0) \(userNames)”) } 2 solved NSDictionary with swift [closed]

[Solved] How to apply PyQt5 Event on a list with values instead of single variable value? [closed]

valueChanged is a signal of Foo itself, so you should use self.valueChanged.connect(self.do_something) instead of self.t.valueChanged.connect(self.do_something). After all, the value that should be emitted with the signal is determined when the signal is emitted, not when connecting the signal to a slot. solved How to apply PyQt5 Event on a list with values instead of single … Read more

[Solved] How to use explode function in PHP without delimeters

You can access a variable as you can access an array, if you were to echo: $string = “test”; echo $string[0]; It would echo t, and onwards. You could concat the string and make a new variable like: $v = “0904201600000123”; $date = $v[0].$v[1].’-‘.$v[2].$v[3].’-‘.$v[4].$v[5].$v[6].$v[7]; echo $date; I tested it on my local machine and it … Read more

[Solved] Basic example of how to do numerical integration in C++

Numerical derivation and integration in code for physics, mapping, robotics, gaming, dead-reckoning, and controls Pay attention to where I use the words “estimate” vs “measurement” below. The difference is important. Measurements are direct readings from a sensor. Ex: a GPS measures position (meters) directly, and a speedometer measures speed (m/s) directly. Estimates are calculated projections … Read more

[Solved] Convert text to system date format [duplicate]

EDIT From SQL Server 2012 and later you might use the FORMAT function if you want to force a date into a formatted text: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh213505.aspx With earlier versions you might use something like this: DECLARE @d DATETIME=GETDATE(); DECLARE @TargetFormat VARCHAR(100)=’DD/MM/YYYY’; SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(100),@d, CASE @TargetFormat WHEN ‘MM/DD/YYYY’ THEN 101 WHEN ‘DD/MM/YYYY’ THEN 103 –add all formats … Read more

[Solved] Taking input of integers until a newline in C/C++ [duplicate]

Likely duplicate of: How to read groups of integers from a file, line by line in C++ If you want to deal in a line per line basis: int main() { std::string line; std::vector< std::vector<int> > all_integers; while ( getline( std::cin, line ) ) { std::istringstream is( line ); all_integers.push_back( std::vector<int>( std::istream_iterator<int>(is), std::istream_iterator<int>() ) ); … Read more

[Solved] Proper way to make this a shell script

in some directory of your choice do touch [script_name].sh then enter the following into the script #!/bin/bash #if not sudo or root yum fails if [ “$EUID” -ne 0 ] then echo “Please run as root” exit fi yum update -y yum install httpd -y service httpd start yum install mysql-server -y && service mysqld … Read more

[Solved] Loop and animate a div

First fix your other issues. Inside separate js file: BrowserName is not defined. Is it supposed to be a var or function? It you want to check the browser you can use navigator.userAgent and test for certain strings. Search this site for more info. Scroll function: be careful with using function names. They may be … Read more

[Solved] Python list ways to select objects [duplicate]

Here you go: Z = [[‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’], [1], [‘x’, ‘y’]] import itertools for element in itertools.product(*Z): print(element) Result: (‘A’, 1, ‘x’) (‘A’, 1, ‘y’) (‘B’, 1, ‘x’) (‘B’, 1, ‘y’) (‘C’, 1, ‘x’) (‘C’, 1, ‘y’) solved Python list ways to select objects [duplicate]