[Solved] Regular expression for phone numbers in c

Check whether this works or not. I assume that you are using Extended Regular Expression (REG_EXTENDED flag): “^(?\\([0-9]{3}\\))?[-. ]?\\([0-9]{3}\\)[-. ]?\\([0-9]{4}\\)$” ERE is a bit different in the fact that it treats (, ) as literal (, ) and \(, \) as grouping. References: http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/online/pages/man3/regcomp.3.html http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/online/pages/man7/regex.7.html 2 solved Regular expression for phone numbers in c

[Solved] Issue with Delphi DFM inheritance

The information stored in the dfm is only what you design. The nesting is about parent/child relations, not about ownership. This dfm suggests that Son is no longer the Parent of Father. This may be caused by code in TSon that modifies it’s own parent. 1 solved Issue with Delphi DFM inheritance

[Solved] Prevent to add data in ArrayList of type Class

There’s a pretty simple way to check if an item already exists in the list: Override the equals method. You will have to override the equals method inside your ExampleItem class. I don’t know the contents, ie. code, of your ExampleItem but this is just my guess so I suggest you to change your code … Read more

[Solved] How do I extract the characters in between the specific set of characters in a string python(regex)? [closed]

import re txt = “””div><div class=”ShLswe”><a class=”_2WFi0x” href=”https://stackoverflow.com/order_details?order_id=OD40818094004&amp;item_id=OD408180940040000&amp;unit_id=OD408180940040000000″><div class=”row”><div class=”col-6-12″><div class=”row”><div class=”col-3-12″><div class=”J2h1WZ”><div class=”_3BTv9X” style=”height: 75px; width: 75px;”><img class=”_1Nyybr _30XEf0″ alt=”” src=”https://rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/75/75/usb-adaptor/s/9/8/tp-link-150-mbps-wireless-n-original-imad8rruefj6rf3y.jpeg”></div></div></div><div class=”col-8-12″><div class=”_3D-3p2″><span class=”row _13y4_y _1iu0PI”>TP-LINK 150 Mbps TL-WN721N Wireless N</span><div class=”row _3i00zY”><span class=”_3i00zY _2n1WrW”>Seller: </span><span class=”_2dTbPB”>WS Retail</span></div></div></div></div></div><div class=”col-2-12 JL36Xz”>₹512</div><div class=”col-4-12 _3Yi3bU”><div><div class=”_30ud5x _3ELbo9″></div><span class=”_7BRRQk”>Delivered on Aug 20, 2014</span><div class=”_2t-3dH”>Your item has been delivered</div></div><div … Read more

[Solved] I have a list of names as , clicking on the name should save it to local storage… code attached [closed]

Try Html <ul class=”namelist”> <li>Liam</li> <li>Noah</li> <li>William</li> <li>James</li> <li>Oliver</li> <li>Benjamin</li> <li>Elijah</li> <li>Lucas</li> </ul> <div id=”divShow”> </div> Jquery <script> $(‘.namelist li’).click(e=>{ localStorage.setItem($(e.currentTarget).text(), $(e.currentTarget).text()); $(‘#divShow’).append(‘<p>’+$(e.currentTarget).text()+'</p>’); }); </script> 3 solved I have a list of names as , clicking on the name should save it to local storage… code attached [closed]

[Solved] Just started Intro to Python an have no previous knowledge about coding-That being said Professors rubric didn’t explain anything any ideas [closed]

Due to the lack of code, no explanation, it seems to me that the aString object is an integer. To fix this, the line with error should become: result=”a string combined with the number: ” + str(aString) Hopefully, this helps! 0 solved Just started Intro to Python an have no previous knowledge about coding-That being … Read more

[Solved] How do you use the user keyword “list”?

First up, list in this context is a variable name, not a keyword. And there’s nothing wrong with that loop code, provided that the Employee structure actually has an isEmpty member that you can assign 1 to. It simply runs through a provided array (called list), setting each element in turn to be empty. However, … Read more

[Solved] Delete From ,Statement Query Failure [closed]

If you want to remove only some entries, you should not use DELETE but UPDATE to your null value (if nullable). For instance UPDATE login SET username = null, last_seen = null WHERE username = ?; DELETE is intended for deleting rows. solved Delete From ,Statement Query Failure [closed]

[Solved] how to use the schedule method

24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 1000 milliseconds in a second scheduleAtFixedRate(yourTask, initialDelay, 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); solved how to use the schedule method