[Solved] Removing Capitalized Strings from Input File in Python3.4?

From the code it would appear that your file is really a csv file (your are reading the file with csv.reader). Assuming that this is the case, the following should work: def filtercaps(infilename,outfilename): import csv list_of_words=[] list=[] with open(infilename) as inputfile: for row in csv.reader(inputfile): list.append(row) for l in list: if len(l) == 0: continue … Read more

[Solved] program succeded in no error but this method is not working

prgBar.Show() Is this what you need? Did you forget to show the new form? EDIT: I’m answering to you comment… you need a static property to access the form from somewhere else: public partial class Form1 : Form { // This is you constructor (not shown in your sample code). public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); Instance … Read more

[Solved] language for creating contract template [closed]

This question is probably going to get locked due to it being too broad, but if you are in BI you might want to consider something like Microsoft Lightswitch (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bethmassi/archive/2011/12/01/beginning-lightswitch-getting-started.aspx). It makes it pretty easy to build form centered interfaces which sounds like what you are trying to do. 1 solved language for creating contract … Read more

[Solved] Need preview page before send email [closed]

Further to my comment, what I mean by splitting up the sendMail.php (you will, of course, have to modify your main page javascript to accommodate a confirm response from your sendMail.php): if(isset($_POST[‘data’]) && is_array($_POST[‘data’]) ) { foreach($_POST[‘data’] as $data) { } $datatList = implode(‘, ‘, $_POST[‘data’]); } else $datatList = $_POST[‘data’]; if(!isset($_POST[‘confirm’])) { $name = … Read more

[Solved] IEnumerable Merge

I named your first model OldCategory. Query: var categories = new OldCategory[] { new OldCategory {CategoryId = 1, SubCategoryId = 2}, new OldCategory {CategoryId = 1, SubCategoryId = 4} }; var newCategories = categories .GroupBy(_ => new { Id = _.CategoryId, Name = _.CategoryName }) .Select(_ => new Category { CategoryId = _.Key.Id, CategoryName = … Read more

[Solved] Difference between pre- and postfix incrementation in C (++a and a++) [duplicate]

Remember, C and C++ are somewhat expressive languages. That means most expressions return a value. If you don’t do anything with that value, it’s lost to the sands of time. The expression (a++) will return a‘s former value. As mentioned before, if its return value is not used right then and there, then it’s the … Read more

[Solved] Dynamical Calculator Javascript

var keys = document.querySelectorAll(“.keys span”); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { keys[i].onclick = function(){ alert(this.innerHTML); } } keys is a NodeList so you cannot attach the onclick on that. You need to attach it to each element in that list by doing the loop. To get the value you can then … Read more

[Solved] can we use php variable in javascript and javascript variable in php code?

You just have a quoting issue. : $UpdateText=”updateReTotal(Tills,’pos_cash’,'{$till->till_id}’);updateVariance(‘{$till->till_id}’)”; echo ‘<script type=”text/javascript”>’ , “testFunctionForUpdateTotal(‘”.$UpdateText.”‘);” , ‘</script>’; This is a good example of why you should avoid using echo statements to output HTML. PHP is designed to allow you to embed PHP inside of your HTML and you should take advantage of that: $UpdateText=”updateReTotal(Tills,’pos_cash’,'{$till->till_id}’);updateVariance(‘{$till->till_id}’)”; ?> <script type=”text/javascript”> … Read more