[Solved] connecting to sql database in java [closed]

Problem is in your odbc connection goto ControlPanel->AdministrativeTools->DataSource(ODBC)->System DSN->ADD->SqlServer-> then in the name field give the Source Name. you have to use this name instead of testdb in your DriverManager.getConnection method. Because getConnectionMethod take the source name not the database name. so your code is not working. However after filling the source name fill the … Read more

[Solved] C# Enumerable yield and foreach [closed]

You need two nested foreach loops. One iterates the ebles the inner one the elements in each list. The innermost loop contains a yield return element; This is the outline. Now go and read about each of the words mentioned in this outline. solved C# Enumerable yield and foreach [closed]

[Solved] Moving from sourceCpp to a package with RcppArmadillo

There are a few things that could be wrong. Primarily, you do need to modify the DESCRIPTION file to include LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo and ensure that #include <RcppArmadillo.h> is present in each .cpp file in the /src directory. You will also need to include two Makevars files. Makevars.win and Makevars with: PKG_LIBS = $(LAPACK_LIBS) $(BLAS_LIBS) … Read more

[Solved] Dynamic Character Array – Stack

A working variation of my solution appears below. The reason I had to do it this way is because while I was able to dereference (**Array)[MAX_FILENAME_AND_PATHNAME_LEN] I was only able to modify the first string array in the array. The string array was initialized and filled several strings. While I could reference a string contained … Read more

[Solved] Random no but unique from given no

If $row and $ar have an equal element count, I don’t see the reason for two loops. Your original code will do four iterations, and I’m not sure that’s what you want. (Judging by my uncertainty and the number of negative votes, you should probably update your question asap.) Code: (Demo) $arr=[’11’,’12’]; $ar=[‘1′,’2′,’3′,’4′,’5’]; // shuffle … Read more

[Solved] Using IF commands to Check if a button exists in Selenium Java [closed]

You may try this: public void ClickButton () throws InterruptedException { WebElement button = driver.findElement(By.id(“button”)); String Source = driver.getPageSource(); if (Source.contains(button)) { button.click(); Thread.sleep(3000); } else { driver.quit; } } Hope this can be helpful. Let me know if you are still facing problem. solved Using IF commands to Check if a button exists in … Read more

[Solved] Creating IAM user via terraform and upload the secret key and access key in S3 bucket

I want to point out that storing tokens in s3 can be dangerous, if not configured correctly. Make sure that you have understood how policies in AWS and access control in s3 works!. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/access.html With that out of the way, this is what I have come up with: # The user to which we will … Read more

[Solved] How to tag users using Discord.JS?

You have two options. You can either use the toString method on the User object, or form the mention yourself using the user’s ID. Here’s an example using toString: client.on(“message”, => { const channel = message.channel; channel.send(message.author.toString()); }); And here’s an example using the ID client.on(“message”, => { const channel = message.channel; channel.send(“<@” + message.author.id … Read more

[Solved] how to make condition with if to check type of variables in python?

If your object isn’t a dict but could be converted to a dict easily (e.g. list of pairs), you could use: def make_a_dict(some_object): if isinstance(some_object, dict): return some_object else: try: return dict(some_object) except: return {‘return’: some_object} print(make_a_dict({‘a’: ‘b’})) # {‘a’: ‘b’} print(make_a_dict([(1,2),(3,4)])) # {1: 2, 3: 4} print(make_a_dict(2)) # {‘return’: 2} solved how to make … Read more

[Solved] Android Studio: App is crashing after running it on my smartphone [duplicate]

you have to write following in onCreate after setContentView() Button btnplus = (Button)findViewById(R.id.btnplus); RatingBar ratingbar = (RatingBar)findViewById(R.id.ratingBar); like below. public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { Button btnplus; RatingBar ratingbar; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); btnplus = (Button)findViewById(R.id.btnplus); ratingbar = (RatingBar)findViewById(R.id.ratingBar); } public void plusonclick() { if (ratingbar.getRating() == 1) { setContentView(R.layout.activity_plusrechnenlvl1); } … Read more

[Solved] Undefined offset: 2 in Laravel 5

Add an @isset directive <select multiple=”multiple” name=”warehouseId[]” id=”warehouse” class=”form-control” style=”width:100%;”> @if($warehouseData) @foreach ($warehouseData as $key => $warehouse) @isset($adminUserWarehouseSelectedData[$key]->id) <option value=”{{$warehouse->id}}”> {{$warehouse->name}} {{$adminUserWarehouseSelectedData[$key]->id}} </option> @endisset @endforeach @endif </select> 2 solved Undefined offset: 2 in Laravel 5