[Solved] User Input in C++ like in Python

I don’t exactly know what you want to achieve, but I think this is what you’re looking for. #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { string user; /* —- This part is in place of your python code — */ cout << “Please Enter your name”; cin >> user; cout << “Your name is” … Read more

[Solved] How to set font size in textbox using Dropdown list javascript [closed]

You can use jQuery To Simple down the code LAB DEMO HTML CODE: <input type=”text” value=”Sample Text” id=”txtBox” name=”name”> <br> <select id=”fontSizeDD”> <option value=”12″>12</option> <option value=”14″>14</option> <option value=”16″>16</option> <option value=”18″>18</option> <option value=”20″>20</option> <option value=”22″>22</option> <option value=”24″>24</option> <option value=”26″>26</option> </select> jQuery CODE : $(function(){ $(“#fontSizeDD”).change(function(){ $(“#txtBox”).css(“font-size”,$(this).val() + “px”); }) }); Pure JavaScript Solution var fontSizeDD = … Read more

[Solved] Calculate sum of a column by ID based on the value of another column in R

Your desired output isn’t very clear, but I think this does what you need (you also have Email column twice) library(data.table) cols <- c(“Call”, “Callback”, “Email”) # Choose columns to modify First solution (simple version) setDT(df)[, paste0(cols, “Sum”) := lapply(.SD, function(x) c(rep(0L, .N – 1L), sum(x))), by = .(E_Add, cumsum(Action == “Event”)), .SDcols = cols][] … Read more

[Solved] How can i delete multiple images from multiple folders using python [closed]

import os import random for folder in folder_paths: # Go over each folder path files = os.listdir(folder) # Get filenames in current folder files = random.sample(files, 900) # Pick 900 random files for file in files: # Go over each file name to be deleted f = os.path.join(folder, file) # Create valid path to file … Read more

[Solved] OUTPUT Alone 1 key from the array

If you have small arrays, It is not a problem to run the algorithm with complexity O(n2). But for me better is less clear, but faster algorithm with complexity equals to O(2n) $array = array( array( ‘id’ => 12, ‘_from’ => 1, ‘_to’ => 2 ), array( ‘id’ => 13, ‘_from’ => 4, ‘_to’ => … Read more

[Solved] Powershell Script to parse selected information from txt file and output to csv

As suggested choose a regular expression that matches your requrements (see regex101.com) iterate the matches and compare the ,matched text generate a [PSCustomObject] for your csv ## Q:\Test\2018\10\17\SO_52857274.ps1 $RE = [RegEx]’^.*?\.(\d{4}):[^”]+”\s*(included with your TV purchase|.*)”$’ $CSV = Select-String ‘.\my.txt’ -Pattern $RE | ForEach-Object { IF ($_.Matches.Groups[2].Value -eq ‘included with your TV purchase’){ $Install = $True … Read more

[Solved] person is eligible to play on the team

Here are few quick points I noticed: 1.Indentation issue for the if statement in the age condition. This if statement should ideally be within the if statement of gender==f. The way python requires you to write/use “and” condition. You can look at the syntax here https://www.learnpython.org/en/Conditions If someone enters an age out of the range … Read more

[Solved] Project: Create a java webapp in Vaadin (to-do-list)

To improve my programming skills If you want to build web apps using pure Java on the server-side, Vaadin fits the bill. You describe the layout and widgets you want to appear in the user interface using Java code. Then, at runtime, Vaadin automatically generates the necessary HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, AJAX, WebSocket, and Push … Read more