[Solved] How do you extract a substring from a string based on an input regex [closed]

Build a regexp like this : .+?(r).* where r is you regexp. Java Code String s;// Your string String r;// Your regexp Pattern p = Pattern.compile(String.format(“.+?(%s).*”,r)); Matcher m = p.matcher(s); if (m.find()) { System.out.println(m.group(1)); } Note I assume your regexp will be matched only one time in your string s. 1 solved How do you … Read more

[Solved] How to change the text inside a div by hovering over other elements

You can implement this using data attribute to hold your description that you want your box to load in the h2 – Working Example – http://codepen.io/nitishdhar/pen/CdiHa Explanation Write your HTML in this structure – <div class=”squares”> <div class=”square” data-content=”Alpha”></div> <div class=”square” data-content=”Beta”></div> <div class=”square” data-content=”Gamma”></div> <h2 class=”square-data-holder”></h2> </div> Notice I have added data-content that will … Read more

[Solved] Adding math symbols in a string [closed]

int a = 10; int b = 20; NSString *c = @”+”; NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”%d %@ %d”, a, c, b]; NSExpression *e = [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:s]; int result = [[e expressionValueWithObject:nil context:nil] intValue]; NSLog(@”%d”, result); 4 solved Adding math symbols in a string [closed]

[Solved] passing string data from onPostExecute method of AsyncTask to other activity

In my opinion two options are available on the table! 1.Create your AsyncTask class as an inner class inside your Activity class, and then you can gain access for all super class properties. public class MyActivity extends Activity { int property1; void method1() { } private class MyTask extents AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> { @Override protected … Read more

[Solved] how to convert an for loop to while loop c++

int x=0; while(x<6) { int a;format output. int m = Hrand();value in int m. Balls[x] = m; because of an error. a = Balls[x]; cout<<“[“<<setfill(‘0’)<<setw(02)<<a<<“]”; x++; } Here, I also fixed a bug. Since Balls has 6 elements, the last element will be 5. Thus you want x<6 instead of x<=6. That goes for the … Read more

[Solved] ploting ggmap with geom Points (lat_long) annotated 1 to19. Points data is in CSVfile

Here is one approach. I created new lat for text annotation using transform in base R. I used geom_text to add the labels you wanted. I used scale_colour_discrete to change the name of the legend. library(ggmap) library(ggplot2) ### Get a map map <- get_map(location=c(lon=34.832, lat=0.852), color=”color”, source=”google”, maptype=”terrain”, zoom=9) ### Create new lat for annotation … Read more

[Solved] history.back() not working in phonegap ios build

Yes, exactly. In several version iOS, Android ( old), history.back() seem not working. To fix it, you should try this code ( i find it in JQM @@ and it working well for all ) var nav = window.navigator; if( this.phonegapNavigationEnabled && nav && nav.app && nav.app.backHistory ){ nav.app.backHistory(); } else { window.history.back(); } solved … Read more

[Solved] C# Get Console to (SPEAK) a response [duplicate]

using System.Speech.Synthesis; … // Initialize a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer. SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); // Configure the audio output. synth.SetOutputToDefaultAudioDevice(); synth.Speak(“I am good how are you?”); solved C# Get Console to (SPEAK) a response [duplicate]