[Solved] How can I select 4 distinct values from 2 tables containing many rows of data in SQL Server?

Something like this? SELECT TOP 4 g.GalleryID ,g.GalleryTitle ,g.GalleryDate ,MAX(m.MediaThumb) AS MaxMediaThumb FROM Galleries g INNER JOIN Media m ON g.GalleryID = m.GalleryID GROUP BY g.GalleryID, g.GalleryTitle, g.GalleryDate 3 solved How can I select 4 distinct values from 2 tables containing many rows of data in SQL Server?

[Solved] Check for a String in an array [closed]

Alamofire.request works asynchronously. A function / method which includes an asynchronous call can never have a return value. You need a callback for example func getUsuarios(completion : ([String]) -> Void) { var usuariosDataBase = [String]() Alamofire.request(.GET, url) .responseJSON { response in print(response) do { let json = try NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(response.data!, options: .AllowFragments) if let blogs = … Read more

[Solved] Strange behaviour with rand()

You realize, of course, that even a fair coin can give you ten heads in a row. There’s a probability that can be assigned to that combination. A fair coin will give half heads and half tails over many trials, but it’s not guaranteed to be 50/50 over a shorter run. Your own experience of … Read more

[Solved] How can i Overload Method in c#? [closed]

To overload, you specify a method of the same type and name but with different parameters. for example: public int Foo(int bar) { return bar*2 } public int Foo(string bar) { return bar.Length*2; } Then when you reference the Foo method, you get 1 overload, the string parameter one. HOWEVER, The age part of your … Read more

[Solved] how to code a stickyfooter in css?

Try this styles for which to see scrollbar just remove overflow:hidden in body html, body { margin:0; padding:0; height:100%; overflow:hidden; } #wrapper { min-height:100%; position:relative; } #header { background:#ededed; padding:10px; } #content { padding-bottom:100px; /* Height of the footer element */ } #footer { background:#ffab62; width:100%; height:100px; position:fixed; bottom:0; left:0; } solved how to code … Read more

[Solved] parse a csv file in C#

I don’t think iterating through the items is a good idea if you just have split it before. I would change your code like that: string valuesString = File.ReadAllText(@”C:/Users/state.csv”); Console.WriteLine(valuesString); String[] values = valuesString.Split(‘,’); This way you will split this string only once. If you want to extend the buffer of the console, you should … Read more

[Solved] Build a new dictionary from the keys of one dictionary and the values of another dictionary

What you are trying to do is impossible to do in any predictable way using regular dictionaries. As @PadraicCunningham and others have already pointed out in the comments, the order of dictionaries is arbitrary. If you still want to get your result, you must use ordered dictionaries from the start. >>> from collections import OrderedDict … Read more

[Solved] latest video by youtube api

This is a common pitfall of the API. Please consider carefully the following: The PlaylistItems endpoint queried for the uploads list of a channel produces an items list which is ordered by videoPublishedAt. But the items themselves contains publishedAt datetime properties attached. (The emphasis below is mine.) videos#snippet.publishedAt (datetime) The date and time that the … Read more

[Solved] C# – How do I put the Function Regex working? [closed]

this is not an issue with the bit of code you showed. This is a namespace issue at the very top of your file. The solution should be https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/namespaces/ using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; public class Test { public static void Main () { var isNumeric1 = IsNumeric(“1”); Console.WriteLine(isNumeric1); var isNumeric2 = IsNumeric(“HelloWorld”); Console.WriteLine(isNumeric2); //call IsNumeric … Read more