[Solved] Different views for each table view cell

I think it creates or pointing out different controller segue on which you’re moving too. you should try following method: – (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender { // Get the new view controller using [segue destinationViewController]. // Pass the selected object to the new view controller. } If you want to check than just you can check … Read more

[Solved] iOS – Why wont my audio play in the background? [closed]

I have changed to iOS 5.1, because i don’t want to update my phone to a beta version of iOS… There are compile errors in this case. it would be helpful if you show how is created the player: NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:_detailItem ofType:@”mp3″]]; NSError *error; player = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url error:&error]; … Read more

[Solved] How I Add Button Go To The Instagram? [duplicate]

I believe this is what you’re looking for (not entirely sure since your question wasn’t very descriptive). NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@”instagram://user?username=USERNAME”]; if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] url]) { [[UIApplication sharedApplication] url]; } else { // handle the issue } Otherwise, see the instagram api here. solved How I Add Button Go To The Instagram? [duplicate]

[Solved] Hide/visible app mode in iphone [closed]

There are two possibilities for this: 1) When reactivated, the method applicationDidBecomeActive: in your application delegate will be called. Note that this will also be called when the app is being started for the first time. 2) An UIApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification is being posted to the notification center. Objects (views) that need to react to that may … Read more

[Solved] can i use to pass a data with ‘navigation controller back button’ in xcode

“koediseps” i have written a demo for passing data for you, download it and check it. if you found any problem , ask me. here is the link for data passing with delegate demo some other useful link simple-delegate-tutorial-for-ios-development passing-data-using-delegates-between-viewcontrollers 0 solved can i use to pass a data with ‘navigation controller back button’ in … Read more

[Solved] Background Processing in Swift

Despite getting downvoted, I still think my solution may be useful to someone new to notifications in iOS development. I switched from local notifications to push notifications setting my remote flask application to handle all the background processing and notification sending with firebase: Follow this tutorial to set your app for receiving push notifications: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34kvGKdPN2k … Read more

[Solved] is there a way to measure Swift’s performance without building UI on iPhone with Xcode 11? [closed]

This is an example of how to measure the time of a sum of numbers let numbersArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6] func showBenchmarkTime(title:String, operation:()->()) { let startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() operation() let timeElapsed = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() – startTime print(“Time elapsed for \(title): \(timeElapsed) s.”) } showBenchmarkTime(title: “sum an array of numbers”) { print(numbersArray.reduce(0, +)) } solved is there a … Read more

[Solved] what is the BEST way to populate several tables with different data on one view? [closed]

An easier way than BalaChandra’s answer(that it´s correct): I suppose your UITableViews are instance variables (or even properties). So if you have instantiated your table views like: UITableView *tableViewA = [[UITableView alloc] init…]; UITableView *tableViewB = [[UITableView alloc] init…]; for example, you don’t need setting the tag to the tableviews. In the UITableViewDelegate/UITableViewDataSource methods you … Read more

[Solved] New to iOS development. Need Resources [closed]

Tack a look at video tutorial of Lynda. Its good to take a look at that video and than start developing app in iPhone. For good tutorial my favorite sites are Raywenderlich, EDUMobile, mobileTutPlus, Technotopia. And for sample code i suggest GITHub, Cocoacontrols, Code4app. And this is really helpful books, Programming in Objective-C 2.0 (2nd … Read more

[Solved] Xcode: Page-based application [closed]

Where to start learning about UIPageViewController: View Controller Catalog for iOS: “Page View Controllers” The last 15 minutes of WWDC 2011 Videos: Implementing UIViewController ContainmentTechtopia: An Example iOS 5 iPhone UIPageViewController Application solved Xcode: Page-based application [closed]