[Solved] How to i convert the website into mobile responsive with php [closed]

I don’t think it’s a good idea but this link may help you: http://mobiledetect.net/ // Include and instantiate the class. require_once ‘Mobile_Detect.php’; $detect = new Mobile_Detect; // Any mobile device (phones or tablets). if ( $detect->isMobile() ) { } Anyways, that will only detect if that’s a mobile device and probably which one, I believe … Read more

[Solved] Develop with server-side program languages (web apps) [closed]

It will largely depend on your current knowledge of programming. There are several languages that you will need to know that can cohesively work together to create a web based app. On the client side you will need to know HTML/CSS/Javascript. You will likely need to expand on that with current technologies like AJAX, jQuery, … Read more


website: not really. You need msoffice to run the sheet, so unless you manually execute the sheet previously so that the data is available for read (not execute) you can’t do it with ms excel. You can do it with a programming language, depending on what you need and what you are familiar with you … Read more

[Solved] Name of current file PHP

basename(__FILE__, ‘.php’); See also here: http://php.net/basename, or, if you like pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_FILENAME); This last one works also if the extension is different from .php without the need to specify it, see http://php.net/manual/en/function.pathinfo.php 5 solved Name of current file PHP

[Solved] How can I extract htaccess file

Since your question is unclear, Let me describe what is .htaccess file? .htaccess (HyperText Access) file is used to customise server configuration. This file cannot store any files(Audios,Videos, Images etc) data. Let’s assume, you’ve images directory on your server which contains all of your image files, and you want to list and make publically available … Read more

[Solved] (GetElement)Clicking a button with no ID, TAG, NAME, CLASS, VALUE, SIBLINGS

OP here. Sorry for the terrible formatting of the question, it was the first time. To help others in the future….. This is what I did at first. It was my band aid fix. ie.document.getelementByID(“filtervalue”).select “SendKeys{ENTER}” This highlighted my input value and just pressed enter. If you are new to VBA and need something to … Read more

[Solved] Recommendations for processing incoming data on a web server [closed]

As @cybermonkey said, you should communicate via HTTP POST. Http Post lets you send data (large bits of data), you can use the headers actively to determine response status etc. When using POST, I would recommend transporting the strings in JSON-format. JSON Allows you to serialize and deserialize objects, arrays and strings. Can be serialized … Read more

[Solved] If html page doesn’t have the special links, then give an alert with Javascript

It depends on how you write your html. Assuming the footer element is always there: if (document.getElementById(‘footer’).childNodes.length == 0) { //If function find the copyright links, then null – don’t make anything } else //If function doesn’t find copyright links, then give an alert alert(“Please protect original copyright links.”) but remember, this just counts what … Read more

[Solved] Is there any free wordpress plugin to showcase client’s logo carousel in grayscale effect ?

user this plugin and add below css “Client Carousel plugin” img { filter: gray; /* IE6-9 */ -webkit-filter: grayscale(1); /* Google Chrome, Safari 6+ & Opera 15+ */ filter: grayscale(1); /* Microsoft Edge and Firefox 35+ */ } /* Disable grayscale on hover */ img:hover { -webkit-filter: grayscale(0); filter: none; } 2 solved Is there … Read more