[Solved] Why one CSS class overrides other? [closed]

The issue here is your second class which is telling the browser to set the background to yellow as the !important tag on the end of each property. !important tells the browser to override any other styles that overlap classes. You need to: A) Remove the important from the yellow styles and apply them to … Read more

[Solved] How can I use data in the child component that are updated in parent component using Vue.js?

One solution is to use the sync modifier along with computed getters and setters: Parent Component <template> … <PaymentMethod :method.sync=”method” :term.sync=”term”/> … <b-btn class=”float-right” variant=”primary” @click=”add”> OK </b-btn> … </template> <script> export default { data () { return { method: null, term: null } }, … } </script> Child Component <template> … <b-form-select v-model=”_method” :options=”methodOptions” … Read more

[Solved] could not run laravel de vue

node_modules\webpack\bin\webpack.js ENOENT at notFoundError it seems that you haven’t install webpack. since you are using laravel, you should have a package.json file usually it comes with laravel-mix which will install webpack. run npm install to install node modules. if you just want to install webpack run npm install webpack –save. solved could not run laravel … Read more

[Solved] need help setting up variable in Vue.js framework

figured it out on my own after 2 days, thanks guys <template> … <h2>{{bar1name}}</h2> <h3>{{bar2name}}</h3> … </template> <script> export default { props: { bar1name:{ type: Object, default: function(){ return(‘Listening’) } }, bar2name:{ type: Object, default: function(){ return(‘Problem Solving’) } }, } } </script> solved need help setting up variable in Vue.js framework

[Solved] How to show refreshed value from an array

You’re running into one of the change detection caveats, outlined here: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Change-Detection-Caveats Specifically on this line: this.showLeft[this.tasks[i].id] = days + ” D ” + hours + ” H ” + minutes + ” M ” + seconds + ” S “; The object this.showLeft is empty when it is created within data, so it won’t … Read more

[Solved] Vue js in laravel [closed]

you just need to write this.tweets also you need to change your callback function to arrow function to allow you to access your state like this async recupera_post(){ await axios.get(‘api/schedulepost’) .then((response) => { console.log(response.data) this.tweets = response.data }) } } 3 solved Vue js in laravel [closed]

[Solved] Kendo UI Grid Data variable Vue.js

Yes, instead of using a data-source-ref, you can bind to a data-source property. This can be an instance of an kendo DataSource or a simple array. For example, here’s the default demo, changed to bind to an array of objects. var products = [{ “ProductID”: 1, “ProductName”: “Chai”, “UnitPrice”: 18, “UnitsInStock”: 39, “Discontinued”: false }, … Read more

[Solved] How to pass data from child to parent component in vue?

You can use $emit method for this purpose. v-on directive captures the child components events that is emitted by $emit Child component triggers clicked event: export default { methods: { onClickButton (event) { this.$emit(‘clicked’, ‘someValue’) } } } Parent component receive clicked event: <div> <child @clicked=”onClickChild”></child> </div> export default { methods: { onClickChild (value) { … Read more