[Solved] Saving Existing Excel sheet
If you need to save after you manually changed something with your code, you could simply use ThisWorkbook.Save. 0 solved Saving Existing Excel sheet
If you need to save after you manually changed something with your code, you could simply use ThisWorkbook.Save. 0 solved Saving Existing Excel sheet
How to write program for excel VBA loop files in a folder and find specific text in cells and save the file in another folder if it match to condition solved How to write program for excel VBA loop files in a folder and find specific text in cells and save the file in another … Read more
Here is one way using arrays. Depending on the size of your data you may hit a limit with Transpose, in which case I can re-write part of the solution. I have used “,” delimiter to keep track of separate column items when concatenating together.You may wish to swop this with a symbol you do … Read more
You can do that with a formula in column N =IF(LEFT(F:F,2)=”07″,F:F,IF(LEFT(G:G,2)=”07″,G:G,IF(LEFT(H:H,2)=”07″,H:H,IF(LEFT(I:I,2)=”07″,I:I,”-“)))) solved Code to copy from one column to another based on values
So her is a new Solution. You have to declare 3 Public Variables in the UserForm1 Modul. So you can give them Values while the USerForm is open and Find the Naxt Values when you click multiple Times on the Search Button. ‘Public Variables Public bolFirstSearch As Boolean Public rng As Excel.Range Public cellFound As … Read more
SOLVED: By declaring the type of input parameter as Object instead of Listivew (Listview4), everything works fine. It is still strange that Listview can have different properties within the same form. solved listview properties are not available
In VBA, there is the AscW function that returns the Unicode code point for the first letter of a string as a decimal number. Use the following code snippet as an example: Sub mycode() MsgBox “female symbol code = ” & CStr(AscW(Cells(1, 1).Text)) & “, male symbol code = ” & CStr(AscW(Cells(2, 1).Text)) End Sub … Read more
Count of Shift Combinations within a List of 100 continuous Shifts This answer is a solution to the revised requirements of the asker. I’m posting this answer as the asker changed the original requirements, and therefore requiring a different solution than the first posted. I decide to leave both solutions for the benefit of other … Read more
First, This will not paste any headers. Since they are all the same, just move the headers to the excel that will store the consolidation. (No need for a macro to do this since it only needs to happen once). Second, in the code you need to change “SHEETNAME?” to the name of the sheet … Read more
It seems to me all you need is a wildcard Find/Replace where: Find = ([!0-9])(.[0-9]) Replace = \10\2 You don’t even need a macro… 0 solved Hello I want to insert zero before the decimal value but its getting skipped and getting into the loop following procedure was created find the error [closed]
If I am seeing what you are trying to do, it shouldn’t be too hard. You could hardcode a for loop to 800. for i = 2 to 800 Range(“A”&i).Copy Destination:=Sheets(i).Range(“A” & i) next This is similar albeit a bit more involved solved In main sheet there is 800 names(A1:A800). Each cell should go to … Read more
Try this code, but before you do adjust the two constants at the top to match the facts on your worksheet. The worksheet with the data must be active when the code is executed. Sub TransposeData() Const FirstDataRow As Long = 2 ‘ presuming row 1 has headers Const YearColumn As String = “A” ‘ … Read more
Yes, it will give output of 55. It will loop from k=5 to k=1 and sum will be incremented with the result of k*k in each loop: sum = 0 + 5 * 5 = 25 sum = 25 + 4 * 4 = 41 sum = 41 + 3 * 3 = 50 sum … Read more
Use the next function, please: Function newID(sh As Worksheet) As String Dim lastR As Long, strID As String, arr As Variant, i As Long lastR = sh.Range(“A” & Rows.count).End(xlUp).Row arr = sh.Range(“A2:A” & lastR).Value strID = left(sh.Range(“A2”).Value, 4) For i = 1 To UBound(arr) arr(i, 1) = CLng(Right(arr(i, 1), 3)) Next i newID = strID … Read more
Native worksheet formulas simply do not handle string concatenation well. Even the new string functions that are being introduced such as TEXTJOIN function¹ and the updated CONCAT function² have difficulty with conditional concatenation beyond TEXTJOIN’s blank/no-blank parameter. Here are a pair of User Defined Functions (aka UDF) that will perform the tasks. Function udfUniqueList(rng As … Read more