[Solved] Checking validity url in php [closed]

I would do the opposite. Instead of removing http:// or https:// and then adding it again, I would just check if the string starts with http:// or https://, and add http:// only if it doesn’t. Something like: if($rr[‘site’]) { $url = preg_match(‘/^https?:\/\//’, $rr[‘site’]) ? $rr[‘site’] : ‘http://’.$rr[‘site’]; echo ‘<a target=”_blank” href=”http://’.$url.'” class=””>’.$url.'</a>’; } 1 solved … Read more

[Solved] Set a unique URL for each user profile

This isn’t really a PHP question. You’ll need to use a .htaccess file (if you’re using an Apache server) or equivalent. You’ll need to add a line, something like the following: RewriteRule ^([a-z]+)$ docname.php?u=$1 solved Set a unique URL for each user profile

[Solved] How To Display Images Preview and Title When I Paste in Another Site Like Facebook, Whatsapp, etc

Your site isn’t using meta tags. which is basically looks like this. <meta property=”og:title” content=”Title”> <meta property=”og:description” content=”Description”> <meta property=”og:image” content=”http://example.com/thumbnail.jpg”> <meta property=”og:url” content=”http://example.com/index.htm”> Google about meta for learn in details and how to use. 0 solved How To Display Images Preview and Title When I Paste in Another Site Like Facebook, Whatsapp, etc

[Solved] Retrieving a portion of a url

If your URL looks like an actual URL (with the http:// part) then you could use Uri class: private static void Extract() { Uri uri = new Uri(“http://somesite/somepage/johndoe21911”); string last = uri.Segments.LastOrDefault(); string numOnly = Regex.Replace(last, “[^0-9 _]”, string.Empty); Console.WriteLine(last); Console.WriteLine(numOnly); } If it’s exactly like in your example (without the http:// part) then you … Read more

[Solved] Extract a part from URL in Javascript [duplicate]

try with this var url=”http://a.long.url/can/be/here/jquery.min.js?207″; var path = url.split( “https://stackoverflow.com/” ); var stripped = “”; for ( i = 0; i < path.length-1; i++ ) { if(i>0) stripped += “https://stackoverflow.com/”; stripped += path[i]; } alert(stripped) solved Extract a part from URL in Javascript [duplicate]

[Solved] Yii2 $_GET parameter in URL

Inside your config, where you declare your components, add or modify the urlManager like this: ‘urlManager’ => [ ‘enablePrettyUrl’ => true, ‘showScriptName’ => false, ‘enableStrictParsing’ => false, ‘rules’ => [ ‘projects/<url>’ => ‘projects/ACTION’, ], ], In order for this to work, first, the path projects/action has to match your controller action, and then projects/<url> means … Read more

[Solved] How do I remove HTML from the SAS URL access method?

This should do what you want. Removes everything between the <> including the <> and leaves just the content (aka innerHTML). Data HTMLData; filename INDEXIN URL “http://www.zug.com/”; input; textline = _INFILE_; /*– Clear out the HTML text –*/ re1 = prxparse(“s/<(.|\n)*?>//”); call prxchange(re1, -1, textline); run; 2 solved How do I remove HTML from the … Read more

[Solved] How to find a particular URL inside a domain using PHP?

There aren’t very many practical solutions for what it seems that you are talking about. Brute forcing is the simplest solution if you have the time. I will assume that you are wanting to search the page for certain content here. <?php set_exec_limit(0); ob_start(); $url_prefix = “http://www.example.com?user=”; $search = “FINDME”; $start = 10; $end = … Read more

[Solved] How to create list of jpg urls from file?

Have a look on the option “-o” (–only-matching) of grep command. By default grep keep lines that match the given pattern. With the option ‘-o’, grep will keep only the part of the line that match your url pattern 0 solved How to create list of jpg urls from file?

[Solved] Clean Urls with regular expression

Use the replace menu by pressing Ctrl+H, and make sure regular expressions are enabled. Then, Find (^.*\/).* and Replace $1: https://regex101.com/r/lJ4lF9/12 Alternatively, Find (?m)(^.*\/).* and Replace $1: https://regex101.com/r/lJ4lF9/13 Explanation: Within a capture group, Find the start of the string (^) followed by anything any number of times (.*) until the last “https://stackoverflow.com/”, then anything any … Read more

[Solved] Scrape Multiple URLs from CSV using Beautiful Soup & Python

Assuming that your urls.csv file look like: https://stackoverflow.com;code site; https://steemit.com;block chain social site; The following code will work: #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #required to parse html import requests #required to make request #read file with open(‘urls.csv’,’r’) as f: csv_raw_cont=f.read() #split by line split_csv=csv_raw_cont.split(‘\n’) #remove empty line split_csv.remove(”) #specify separator … Read more

[Solved] Hiding URLs from the location bar

You can use the javascript history.pushState() here history.pushState({},”Some title here”,”/”) For example, on http://yourwebsite.com/secretlink.html, after the JS runs, the URL bar will show http://yourwebsite.com/ without having refreshed the page1. Note that if the user refreshes the page they will be taken to http://yourwebsite.com/ and not back to the secret link. You can also do something … Read more