[Solved] Serializable field in Unity [duplicate]

[Serializable] private GameObject gameobject; [System.Serializable] private int timer; The serializable field works like a public variable except that you can using it for a private variable. Some people just use a public variable but a serializable private variable works the same. solved Serializable field in Unity [duplicate]

[Solved] Rubik’s cube Unity 5 [closed]

Your question is not very clear. Even if English isn’t your first language, code is international. Please try to post what you’ve done so far. We don’t know if you can render your cube, how the objects are organised or how they should be animated. In short, you will need to complete at least some … Read more

[Solved] Unity game too dark in android device?

You provided close to no information about the problem but… Try setting your lights to Render Mode: Important in Inspector, also check your Quality Settings for pixel light count and make the default value higher. If you want more accurate answers that will help you resolve your problems faster – try adding some pictures of … Read more

[Solved] getting this error in unity (2018.4.6) error CS0103: The name ‘linkApp’ does not exist in the current context [closed]

Introduction When working with Unity, it is common to encounter errors. One such error is the CS0103 error, which states that the name ‘linkApp’ does not exist in the current context. This error can be caused by a variety of issues, such as a typo in the code, a missing script, or a missing reference. … Read more

[Solved] Unity3D – playerpref values changes to negative when its over 2billion

Introduction Unity3D is a powerful game engine used to create interactive 3D experiences. It is used by developers to create games for a variety of platforms, including mobile, console, and PC. One issue that developers have encountered when using Unity3D is that playerpref values can change to negative when they exceed 2 billion. This can … Read more

[Solved] Unity3D – playerpref values changes to negative when its over 2billion

As I commented you, you should change your variable type, in this case to float which is the only one supported in Unity to save in PlayerPrefs. So your code would be like: public float LoadCoinsAmount() { return PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(“COINS”); } public void SaveCoinsAmount(float coins) { PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(“COINS”, coins); } 4 solved Unity3D – playerpref values changes … Read more

[Solved] please help me with my game my game have a problem [closed]

Your getter/setter of objects in your pool manager should not instantiate or destroy gamobjects, but enable and disable them. That is the purpose of pooling. It makes more sense to EnQueue/deQueue them and activate/deactivate like this. private Queue<GameObject> objPool; private Queue<GameObject> activeObj; //get from pool public GameObject GetObjFromPool(Vector3 newPosition, Quaternion newRotation) { GameObject newObject = … Read more