[Solved] please help me with my game my game have a problem [closed]

Your getter/setter of objects in your pool manager should not instantiate or destroy gamobjects, but enable and disable them. That is the purpose of pooling.
It makes more sense to EnQueue/deQueue them and activate/deactivate like this.

private Queue<GameObject> objPool;
private Queue<GameObject> activeObj;
//get from pool
public GameObject GetObjFromPool(Vector3 newPosition, Quaternion newRotation)
    GameObject newObject = objPool.Dequeue();
    newObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(newPosition, newRotation);

    //keep actives to be retrieved
    return newObject;

//return to pool
public void ReturnObjToPool(GameObject go)

Find this question in case its helpfull.

You can find plenty of pooling examples if you goolgle that up. Here is one.

solved please help me with my game my game have a problem [closed]