[Solved] Why is this segfaulting? Can someone explain the valgrind error?

Valgrind says that the illegal write is occurring at Address 0x6172676f72502074. If you look at that address as ASCII characters, it’s: argorP t, or converting from little endian: t Progra. This looks like part of one of your menu items, “9. Abort Program”. Maybe the bug is that menu_init() is writing past the end of … Read more

[Solved] can’t extract data from a structure array c++ [closed]

This should look a bit more like a code intended for humans to read 🙂 #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; int ncr; int me,n=0,u,y,l; char opt1,opt2,opt3,opt4; struct student { string Name; int DoB; int Age; string Address; string Course[5]; char grade[5]; }; void add(); void remove(); void update(); void search(); int main() { int opt; … Read more

[Solved] vector definition in struct (c++)

The problem are as followings: (corrected in OP question) myVector is defined const myVector.push_back(1); is not in any function body. (corrected in OP question) Value passed to myVector.push_back(1); is int but vector is of type string Change it as following. See example program working here: #include “string” #include “vector” #include “iostream” using namespace std; struct … Read more

[Solved] C++ Storing constant varibale names within a vector [closed]

Simply use a new local variable inside your reading loop like this: while(stream >> token) { if(token == “#define”) { constantVariable addconstant; stream >> token; addconstant.constantName = token; stream >> token; addconstant.constantValue = token; constant.push_back(addconstant); } } But take care with checking the input stream. It should not be done as easy as you did … Read more

[Solved] Index slice within Main func when using setGrade()

There’s no built-in method what you’re looking for (merging slices). However, you can use append method like: s.setGrade(append([]int{80}, s.Grade[1:]…)) If you had to update two grade ints then you could have done: s.setGrade(append([]int{80,95}, s.Grade[2:]…)) 1 solved Index slice within Main func when using setGrade()

[Solved] Index slice within Main func when using setGrade()

Introduction Index slice within Main func when using setGrade() is a common problem encountered when working with arrays in programming. It can be solved by using a combination of indexing and slicing techniques. Indexing is used to access individual elements of an array, while slicing is used to access a range of elements. By combining … Read more

[Solved] Trying to make sense of C++ Struct

all I want to know is what the Store() and ~Store() parts do They are declaring the struct’s constructor and destructor, respectively. what the point of the public: part is in the struct To declare them as publically accessible so outside code can call them. and also what the part in f.cpp actually does Implements … Read more

[Solved] Trying to make sense of C++ Struct

Introduction C++ Structs are a powerful tool for organizing data in a program. They allow you to store multiple pieces of related information in a single object, making it easier to access and manipulate. However, understanding how to use Structs can be confusing for beginners. This article will provide an overview of Structs and explain … Read more

[Solved] compile errors when trying to use struct in c

struct player only contains name and col. It doesn’t contain a BOOLEAN member. You could add such a member to it and have that member indicate whether the player is current. However that would be a bad design (because it is tedious to code and there are better options). Instead, have another variable that indicates … Read more

[Solved] Sorting elements in struct in C++ [duplicate]

I’ll just give you some consecutive tips: Create std::vector and push you data into: vector<properties> students; Write the function which compares two structures and returns the comparison result. Don’t make it a member of your structure. Notice that I’ve renamed it: bool less_than(properties const& first, properties const& second) //my fault. Compiler is trying to call … Read more

[Solved] How to access struct’s instance fields from a function?

Here is one example: package main import ( “fmt” ) // example struct type Graph struct { nodes []int adjList map[int][]int } func New() *Graph { g := new(Graph) g.adjList = make(map[int][]int) return g } func main() { aGraph := New() aGraph.nodes = []int {1,2,3} aGraph.adjList[0] = []int{1990,1991,1992} aGraph.adjList[1] = []int{1890,1891,1892} aGraph.adjList[2] = []int{1890,1891,1892} fmt.Println(aGraph) … Read more