[Solved] send string data from Activity to fragment [closed]

Add below code inside listview itemclick listner in activity: Tozihat gTozihat = new Tozihat().newInstance(“Data”); getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .replace(R.id.textViewTozihat, gTozihat).commit(); Inside your Fragment : private static final String TYPE = “DATA_KEY”; public static Tozihat newInstance(String type) { Tozihat fragment = new Tozihat(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putString(TYPE, type); fragment.setArguments(args); return fragment; } 3 solved send string data … Read more

[Solved] Rearrange the autoincrement column value after deleting some rows

When you have declared the column as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, you don’t need to do anything because the database automatically uses the next value after the largest value in the table. When you have declared the column as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, the current counter is stored in the sqlite_sequence table. You can simply modify … Read more

[Solved] Python and SQlite [closed]

data = conn.execute(“SELECT cost from test where name like ‘fish'”).fetchall() Also, chances are, you don’t need to use a cursor for whatever you are doing. solved Python and SQlite [closed]

[Solved] Python: sqlite3 [closed]

This is what the first parameter of the connect function is for: import sqlite3 db = sqlite3.connect(“C:/temp/MyLittleDatabase”) db.execute(“CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS T(x)”) db.execute(“INSERT INTO T VALUES (42)”) cursor = db.execute(“SELECT x FROM T”) for row in cursor: print row[0] 4 solved Python: sqlite3 [closed]

[Solved] C# SQLite getting an SQL logic error when trying to SELECT * FROM [duplicate]

Use a parameterized query SqlCommand Parameters var sql = new SqlCommand( “SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE name like @Name”, m_dbConnection ); var param = new SqlParameter(); param.ParameterName = “@Name”; param.Value = textBox1.Text; cmd.Parameters.Add(param); solved C# SQLite getting an SQL logic error when trying to SELECT * FROM [duplicate]

[Solved] Android SQLite – Primary Key Desc [closed]

Opening/closing the database twice is inefficient; and there is a helper to read a single value from a query. Anyway, you could move the computations into SQL: db = getWritableDatabase(); try { long id = DBUtils.longForQuery(db, “SELECT IFNULL(MIN(id) – 1, 0) FROM MyTable”, null); cv.put(“id”, id); … } finally { db.close(); } 1 solved Android … Read more

[Solved] how to does not record in sqlite if it is already in table [closed]

– (int) GetCount :(NSString *)UserID { [self createEditableCopyOfDatabaseIfNeeded]; [self initializeDatabase]; int count = 0; NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES); NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0]; NSString *path = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:@”dbfav2table.sqlite”]; if (sqlite3_open([path UTF8String], &database) == SQLITE_OK) { sqlite3_stmt *statement; NSString *sql_str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”SELECT count(*) FROM tablename WHERE userID=’%@'”, UserID]; const char *sqlStatement = (char … Read more

[Solved] Data not updating in sqlite database in iphone [closed]

This line causes the issue. NSString *querystr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”Update Quest set solved = ‘%d’ where q_id = ‘%d'”,solved,q_id+1 ]; The fields solved and q_id are of type integer. You are checking it with string, that makes the issue. Change the query string to: NSString *querystr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@”Update Quest set solved = %d where … Read more

[Solved] My application is crashing while retrieving task, date and displaying on ListView using SQLite database [duplicate]

You can use a text datatype to store dates within SQLite while table creation. Storing dates in UTC format, the default if you use datetime(‘now’) (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) will then allow sorting by the date column. Retrieving dates as strings from SQLite table you can then convert them as required into formats using the Calendar or … Read more

[Solved] using sqlite3 in python with “WITH” keyword

From the docs: http://docs.python.org/2/library/sqlite3.html#using-the-connection-as-a-context-manager Connection objects can be used as context managers that automatically commit or rollback transactions. In the event of an exception, the transaction is rolled back; otherwise, the transaction is committed: So, the context manager doesn’t release the connection, instead, it ensures that any transactions occurring on the connection are rolled back … Read more