[Solved] Convert 11/22/2016 12:37:51 PM SQL QUERY [closed]
Just try casting it as a DATE: SELECT CAST(YourTimestampField AS DATE) AS MyDateField 0 solved Convert 11/22/2016 12:37:51 PM SQL QUERY [closed]
Just try casting it as a DATE: SELECT CAST(YourTimestampField AS DATE) AS MyDateField 0 solved Convert 11/22/2016 12:37:51 PM SQL QUERY [closed]
Is this some kind of trick question? update yourtable set columna=upper(columna), columnb=upper(columnb) 2 solved The most efficient way to UPPER CASE two columns in a single query [closed]
Missing space and closing ) protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string dsn = “foo”; string sql = @”SELECT * FROM ( SELECT F.Project AS ‘Project Number’, F.Account AS ‘Account’, F.Pd AS Period, F.Incurred AS Totals, C.Project AS ‘Project Name’ FROM Ultron.Final F INNER JOIN Ultron.Custom C ON F.Project = C.Project WHERE F.Project LIKE … Read more
You should parameterized your query. DateTime doesn’t have any format associated with it, Format is only useful for displaying purpose. OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(“Select * From TEST WHERE MatchDate >= @matchDate”, conn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(“@matchDate”, DateTime.Today); // Just date part comparision // Or use DateTime.Now depending on your requirement) OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd); da.Fill(ds); This … Read more
Try below: Select * FROM YourTable WHERE ID BETWEEN 100 AND 140 OR Select * FROM YourTable WHERE ID > 100 AND ID < 140 0 solved Sql query to select ID from 100 to 140 [duplicate]
If you need to update an existing table, check out this guide: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_update.asp Edit: To update a table in SQL you would use a query that looks like this: UPDATE table_name SET column1=value1,column2=value2,… WHERE some_column=some_value; –This line is not necessary. –You can add this if you wish to only update certain rows –e.g WHERE Date … Read more
You can’t include a PHP file in an HTML file. You need to change the extension of the HTML to PHP and use include(). <?php include ‘form2.php’; ?> That is the easiest way to do it. 3 solved Call PHP file inside an HTML without using input tag
This is really very simple, you can do: SELECT DISTINCT [Date] FROM YourTable Or: SELECT [Date] FROM YourTable GROUP BY [Date] solved distinct date column [closed]
I figured it out. Just use ob_start(), and loop through each user. Select the posts they’re subscribed to. Then inside the loop email it to each user. I used this query SELECT articles.* FROM articles INNER JOIN subscriptions ON articles.from_id = subscriptions.sub_to INNER JOIN users ON subscriptions.user_id = users.id WHERE users.email = :email 5 solved … Read more
select sum(case when Column2 = ‘somevalue’ then Column1 else 0 end) * 100 / sum(Column1) from NAMES; See this:- Select percentage of rows that have a certain value – SQL 0 solved SQL for calculating percentage of values for same column [closed]
EDIT Now that I look closer there are many things wrong with this code. Standard practice is to check for the username/password combination in one shot: mysql = “SELECT 1 FROM [User] WHERE UserName=? AND Password=?”; OleDbCommand CheckUser = new OleDbCommand(mysql, con); // Add OleDbParameters here with the correct type/length CheckUser.Parameters.Add(“@userName”, OleDbType.Char, 20).Value = tbUser.Text … Read more
I think you can try this to obtain a list for all the users (left join with table user in this case is not enough – see my sample data below): SELECT C.USERNAME, A.CALENDARDATE , CASE WHEN B.USERNAME IS NULL THEN ‘Absent’ ELSE ‘Present’ END AS STATUS , CAST(B.WDT AS DATE) AS WDT, CAST(B.WDT AS … Read more
Try this query : select OrderId, CustomerName, sum(ProductAmount*Price) as Total from Order O inner join OrderDetail OD on O.Id = OD.Id group by OrderID, CustomerName solved Generate payment from more than 1 columns in SQL
SELECT a.* FROM ( select City, length( City ) from Station where length( City ) = ( select max( length( City ) ) from Station ) order by city limit 1 ) a UNION ALL SELECT b.* FROM ( select City, length( City ) from Station where length( City ) = ( select min( length( … Read more
From your question there’s one thing not clear: The naming of the output columns. In your expected output they are named like their attribute-id. But in your comments it sounds, like you are picking the first 4 attributes and you want to omit the rest. I want to show two approaches, pick the one you … Read more