[Solved] How to convert video(mp4) file into audio(mp3) file while uploading video [closed]

You can use ffmpeg to do this on all platforms. https://ffmpeg.org/ ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 -vn output_audio.mp3 Note that this reencodes the audiostream and is therefore slower than directly extracting it with a more specific command, depending on codecs used. solved How to convert video(mp4) file into audio(mp3) file while uploading video [closed]

[Solved] Unexpected set_value [duplicate]

There are missing dots, change it like in your form_error: echo ‘<div class=”form-group has-error”> <label class=”control-label” for=”inputError”>School ID:</label> <input type=”text” class=”form-control” name=”inputSchoolID” id=”inputError” value=”‘ . set_value(‘inputSchoolID’) . ‘;”> <span class=”help-block”>’. form_error(‘inputSchoolID’) .'</span> </div>’; 1 solved Unexpected set_value [duplicate]

[Solved] Get desired value of selectbox through jquery

Problem with script is that you are not handling radio buttons and dropdown while extracting values for posting to server. JS var form_data = { agent_name: $(‘#agent_name’).val(), number: $(‘#number’).val(), number_from: $(‘#number_from’).val(), number_to: $(‘#number_to’).val(), quantity: $(‘#quantity’).val(), amount: $(‘#amount’).val(), date: $(‘#date’).val(), commision: $(‘#commision’).val(), profit: $(‘#profit’).val(), agent_amount: $(‘#agent_amount’).val(), user_id: $(‘#user_id’).val(), type: $(“#abc_type_”+$(“input[name=select_type]:checked”).val()).val() }; Just replace your form_data with … Read more

[Solved] Displaying marker with latlong json data in Biostall-google-maps-V3 API Library issue

The problem is google.maps.LatLng is expecting two numbers and you are passing it a string from your database (assuming searchMapDataResult[‘latlong’] is returning a comma delimited string). So you will need to Split the latitude and longitude Convert them into numbers Generate the google.maps.LatLng Like this: var latLngArray = searchMapDataResult[‘latlong’].split(‘,’); var latitude = parseFloat(latLngArray[0]); var longitude … Read more

[Solved] CodeIgniter routing as subfolder

You can make use of _remap() function of controller for dynamic routing https://www.codeigniter.com/userguide3/general/controllers.html#remapping-method-calls For more details, you can refer the following example: http://www.web-and-development.com/codeigniter-remove-index-php-minimize-url/ 4 solved CodeIgniter routing as subfolder

[Solved] PHP Codeigniter Unexpected Error(Module ‘imagick’ already loaded)

That is from php loading up. In your university files there are 2 Lines loading the imagick extension Assuming a Linux server it’s likely located /etc/php/conf.d or similar. Ubuntu server uses /etc/php7/apache/conf.d for example assuming your using php as an Apache module Inside there you should be able to grep for the word imagick Just … Read more