[Solved] SQL, SUM + CASE [closed]

Never use commas in the FROM clause. Always use proper, explicit JOIN syntax. Then, you cannot nest aggregation functions, so this should be sufficient: SELECT o.ID_DOSSIER, SUM(CASE WHEN ID_TYPE IN (‘0’, ‘1’) THEN TTL * -1 WHEN ID_TYPE IN (‘2’, ‘3’) THEN TTL END) FROM ope o JOIN actor a ON o.ID_ACTION = a.ID_ACTION GROUP … Read more

[Solved] Cummulative SUM based on columns

No need to make thinks more complicated than they need to be… IF OBJECT_ID(‘tempdb..#TestData’, ‘U’) IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TestData; CREATE TABLE #TestData ( ID INT NOT NULL, [Year] INT NOT NULL ); INSERT #TestData (ID, Year) VALUES (1, 2010), (1, 2010), (2, 2010), (2, 2011), (3, 2012), (4, 2013), (5, 2014), (5, 2014), … Read more

[Solved] How minimize this mysql query [closed]

Ever heard of JOINing tables? SELECT photo.id FROM product_photo INNER JOIN product_photo AS photo ON photo.product_id = product_photo.product_id AND photo.order >= product_photo.order WHERE product_photo.id = ’33’; The FROM and WHERE parts will select your product id = 33 and then you join product_photo with different alias (yes, you can join the same table multiple times … Read more

[Solved] Entering value to database after pressing enter from a textbox [closed]

Use for this KeyDown event private void YourTextBox_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { String connection= “Data Source=YourServer;Initial Catalog=YourDatabase;user=User;password=YourPassword;Integrated Security=True;”; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { string insertCmdText = “INSERT INTO table(column1)values(@valueForColumn1)”; SqlCommand sqlCom = new SqlCommand(insertCmdText,connection); sqlCom.Paramaters.AddWithValue(“@valueForColumn1”,YourTextBox.Text); connection.Open(); sqlCom.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); } } But consider that saving into Database after KeyPress event is not a right way to … Read more

[Solved] I’m looking for a way to trim a string so that only 6 consecutive digits show

You’re close! You need to use PATINDEX instead of CHARINDEX. After that, you can use SUBSTRING to pull the six numbers out. This should work for you: Select SUBSTRING(d.Notes, PATINDEX(‘%[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]%’, d.Notes), 6) From YourTable d If there are records in your table that do not have six consecutive numbers, you can use either of the … Read more

[Solved] How to store the entered data into a remote database?

I’m assuming you want to communicate with the remote server through API.To Send POST and GET request to the server, means to create a connection between the server and Android Application.There are many libraries to make HTTP request for example Retrofit,Volley etc, These powerful libraries make it easy to consume JSON or XML data.You can … Read more

[Solved] SQL select column of attributes with latest date [closed]

Since you didn’t specify which RDBMS you are working on and the table schema, then you can do this: SELECT t1.tenantId, t1.ExpiryDate FROM tenants AS t1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT tenantId, MAX(ExpiryDate) AS LatestExpiryDate FROM tablename GROUP BY tenantId ) AS t1 ON t1.tenantId = t2.tenantId, t1.ExpiryDate = t2.LatestExpiryDate; The inner join will give the … Read more

[Solved] SQL query to count numbers [closed]

Try this SELECT Video_id,COUNT(Video_id) FROM tbl Group By Video_id FIDDLE DEMO O/P VIDEO_ID COUNT(VIDEO_ID) 1 3 2 2 4 4 Take a look at these document http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/counting-rows.html http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/group-by-extensions.html 0 solved SQL query to count numbers [closed]